TBD on Ning

We're still here, we survived whatever the holidaze brought us, and we're ready for the serious part of winter, right?  Whether you love it or hate it, we'll get thru it.

Did you make any resolutions?  if you did, come back mid-January and tell us how you're doing with that!

Tags: friends, happy, january

Views: 607

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Be cautious if you go out.  Good thing it won't last long.  This isn';t a good time for the forecasters to be wrong.  LOL

No basements in Texas.




Good morning my friends,

My friday to go into work for a meeting.  Left work early yesterday, refuse to work more than thirty two hours.  Still have an hour of flex time. Am going to the Native American marketplace sometime this weekend, lots of artists and entertainment.  We have had such a mild winter so far, has been in the sixties, plenty of snow in the mountains, and you can keep it there as far as i am concerned.  Anyhow...has been just beautiful.  Still trying to set up my apartment with pics, etc.  it is sure slow going, guess i don't have to do it for anyone but myself...so can go at my own pace, which is snails  LOL...If there is weather somewhere, be careful out there and have a day filled with love and laughter


Hey Hi Thally!  The Native American Marketplace sounds like fun and an interesting adventure.  The snow in the mountains and not at home is a beautiful sight isn't it.  So far this winter in Oregon has been fairly mild too.  I can't even complain about the constant rain because there have been intermittent mini-periods of sunshine.  Nothing wrong with a snail's pace.  I think I am writing a book on it.  I am slowing down too noticeably.  I am blaming it on my bum knee rather than old age and forgetfulness.  LOL  Have fun this weekend, who cares what doesn't get done.  ;-)

Clear skies here. 

Sorry I have been MIA, it has been a rough week.

I have been running the store by myself with the help of Ward when he can swing by. He is now out of town for the weekend so now it is aalllll ME!!

My best friend and business partner is dealing with a boyfriend who decided to stop drinking..problem is she didn't know he was drinking so this has been a tough row. 

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers...I am running low of compassion and energy.

We know you are uber busy with work and family.  Sorry your partner has had such a surprise sprung on her.  I hope all works out for her best.   Domestic problems don't go well in the workplace.  Take it 1 hour at a time.  Know we are thinking of you toiling away at work and directing the food delivery trucks for Kiefer.  ;-)

golly, i decide to write minutes, head off to the pool, return and finish minutes, and in that 5 hours, everybody's been here~!  

Richard, i'm at an age ("the" age) where i don't go out if it's icy.  snow, maybe; rain, sure -- i've established that i do NOT melt!  but the consequences of a fall on ice, even well-padded me, are too risky!

Thalia, good for you, holding the line on work hours!    i hope you can cut back further as time goes on. i'd put money on the fact that you are good at your profession, that seems right, but you deserve some fun time too!  did i tell you i'll be in Denver next January (2013?)  we MUST get together then!  

and, did i tell you, my pics finally went on the wall over New Year's weekend -- 5+ months after i moved in?  i shifted things around multiple times, before i was willing to put nails in the wall!

Crystal, sad to learn of partner's b/f's deception.  i can sure understand that you're about done with the "support" thing -- if you give her more than you have to spare (and you have your own family tugging at you!), then you're no good to anybody.  not her or your guys.  reality.

it doesn't matter WHERE you are, there is certain to be an Al-Anon program close enough for her to get to, so you absolutely do NOT need to be her sole support system.  please mention it to her!  if i were queen, everyone would have to learn the concepts behind the 12-step programs!

not sure where RHB's reference to food delivery came from, but i bet Kiefer knows how to use a microwave, or else how to purchase fast food for a day or three!  active as he is, a bit of excess salt and fat will do no harm.  know that i'll be holding you in my heart, and sending ~~support vibes~~ to your partner, but really, AA/Al-Anon is where they need to be, not on your doorstep!

Another 70+ day.


Sleet and snow here.  I think George and I are staying home for the weekend.

You and George stay warm and dry GL.

Go ahead, rub it in Robbie!  LOL




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