TBD on Ning

We're still here, we survived whatever the holidaze brought us, and we're ready for the serious part of winter, right?  Whether you love it or hate it, we'll get thru it.

Did you make any resolutions?  if you did, come back mid-January and tell us how you're doing with that!

Tags: friends, happy, january

Views: 607

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Howdy folks...another long day that will drag on longer. I might skip a few meetings tonight so I can get home before 9. 

I am thinking a glass or two of wine and a steaming hot bubble bath might help....and a good night's sleep.

A few meetings?  You are going to burn yourself out young lady.

yes, a snowstorm in the Pacific NW is bizarre, and since they're not equipped to deal w/ it, all those hilly spots that are so picturesque have become nightmares for getting around.  sigh.  they'll never again wonder why DC shuts down when it snows!

Snow? What's that?

Thanks to the southwest wind it is 52 at 6:30PM.  The snow is gone from here and the wind has helped dry things out.

Thursday has come around again.  people are expecting WORK out of me; why can't they understand that i only work when I want to, not on their schedule?  sigh....

Lynn, you must convince them to work on your schedule.  LOL  I am so glad not to have clients any more who expect me to make up the time they wasted in order for them to get back on THEIR schedule.  "I am a private business who will not cut corners and compromise the quality of my work."  Now why didn't I think of this thirty years ago?  LOL

1.5 inches of rain and counting.  I heard there is flooding somewhere in the city.

good concept, Richard!  i like your wording!

sadly, i'm an individual contractor who "serves" a committee-run function that's independent of the larger organization, and i strive for good "customer service" mostly because i really like these people and i believe in the cause.  so yeah, i let them harass me, 'tis true.

flooding?  not good.  yikes!

It was 70 and balmy here today. Took Happy to the dog park. Started getting ready to depart on my wandering way over to Largo FL.

You and happy have a safe and fun time in that balmy weather.

Flooding from the excessive rain found the basement bathroom in a Salem OR home.

If it was my basement I would still be saying "Oh sh**"!


we're supposed to get ice here overnight, but lots of snow between here and the coast, and it'll melt sometime tomorrow, at least.




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