TBD on Ning

We're still here, we survived whatever the holidaze brought us, and we're ready for the serious part of winter, right?  Whether you love it or hate it, we'll get thru it.

Did you make any resolutions?  if you did, come back mid-January and tell us how you're doing with that!

Tags: friends, happy, january

Views: 607

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Morning all...there is a skiff off snow outside. Not the blizzard one of our vendors said the Farmer's Almanac was predicting. 

Have a good one... 

Morning Crystal, no snow here..... YAYYYYYYY  Have a nice day.

it's 50º now, supposed to get into low 60s today.  what a bizarre winter.

i'm enjoying peace and quiet!

No Snow Here. Kemah, Texas. Bet you can't find it on a map. Oh wait. I guess Google maps can find it. Probably show my RV. I'm in the center section, NE side , fifth pad counting NW from the bayou. 

I think it's 70 degrees.

Is yours the one with the blue awning just east of the building?

that's pretty good, Richard!  see Robbie, we can find you anywhere!

and yes, Crystal, we're practically peeping TBDers!

Are we peeking in Robbie's windows?

No. If you go to the right. Cross the next row(center row) to the next row. The one that starts with the dark RV with a white top. Count up five pads. The next RV beyond mine is also a dark one.

However, the photo is not current and the RV shown on my pad is not mine. I would guess the photo was taken sometime in the summer. There are a couple things that identify the photo as not being current.

!. Recently there was a boardwalk built that runs along the water edge.

2. The RV on the 4th pad has had a boat parked in front of it for the last month.

3. The spaces between the pads are now covered with very green grass. Clover in fact.

Good try Richard. It is most definetly Marina Bay RV Resort in Kemah, TX. 

I found this on Bing Maps.  I tried Google Earth and it would not zoom up as close.  I have no idea when either map source has been updated.  Gee, I didn't think there is any grass anywhere in Texas.  LOL

BTW  woke up to 2 inches of snow.  It's melting off as it warms and rains with highs in the low 40s for the next few days.

wow, i did read that SEattle was expecting a snowstorm, and wondered if you guys would get some of it.  at least, it's melting, huh?  and Sharon can work from home.  could be worse, at least there's no need to shovel!

Last I checked Seattle had 8"-10".  It's close to 44 degrees now so except for the piles the snow will be gone in no time. Neither one of us want to venture out in potentially slippery conditions.




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