TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16199

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cr@p. Ya can't get away w/anything anymore. I can't even imAGINE what will come out of Teebs' February Birthday Meetup! 

Day off work. Going to take an extra Christmas tree & decorations that I'm not going to use this year to a local non-profit  counseling center for kids & put it up/decorate it there. Then I'm going to finally go to the nursing home & tell my mother the news about my dad.

Then I hope to work out, have a nice dinner & a nice evening at home, maybe putting up our tree & starting Christmas cards. All of the latter with Ducatiman, the love of my life. I am so grateful for him these days that my heart just stays filled up w/love & gratitude all the time.

I wish all of you a lovely Thursday.

A fire in the stove and snuggling with your dog sounds like the best route to take.

Avoiding industry? You lost me there, D.D. I got the rest of it. And btw.... if that Jack Daniels Mustard is gluten free, how about sending me a jar - it sounds great!!

I'm not sure what my status is right now. Part of me is really okay. Really. Full of love & gratitude. Other parts are tired, irritable, sad, depressed & right on the verge of a meltdown.

I don't normally mind meltdowns, but right now I'd prefer to bypass one & just distract myself w/other stuff. Cooking, decorating, loving my dogs & my man. I'm gonna shoot for that tonight.

The truth is, my Celiac Disease & my dad's death are kicking my ass tonight.


Maybe a trip to St. Martin's would help, somewhere bright and sunny. Or a full spectrum light at least , it can be pretty gloomy on overcast days in December. Thinking of you d's. HUGS.

You guys are the best, thanks Teebs, D.D. & Merry.

{{{(((Ginormous Hugs)))}}}

Well, today I went down to the that new Yuppie place for breakfast......I had the breakfast tacos, which are really, really good. 

Then I walked across the street to the donut shop.  I was one of the first ones there, right behind Old Larry.  Old Larry and I are also members of  the former teacher's lunch group (no I'm not a former teacher, but I'm in the group anyhoo), so we had to discuss an incident that happened at yesterday's lunch.  Two of the guys had a strong, loud disagreement that fortunately calmed down just short of fisticuffs.

After  coffee, I made a quick trip to the grocery store, and then popped in to the Mom's house to start a fire in her wood stove.  The brother who lives with her is out of town for 6 to 8 weeks.....he's the fire wizard, but I can step in and substitute when needed.  It took me a a little bit of time to get things burning nicely......I had to bring paper, matches and kindling along with me.

And now I'm home.  I just went out and got the mail, and found a large envelope with information on the retirement program for my part time job.  There was also a smaller envelope enclosed therein which contained a C-note, as a Christmas bonus.  Suh-weet!  Now I'm starting to think maybe I'd better go back to work after the first of the year.  Maybe next December there will be another C-note.

Now its time for some of that split pea soup I made up a couple of weeks ago.  Then I may relocate to the bed in the spare room to contemplate life, while in the napping mode. 

Stir, You awake yet?

It got real cold here last night. I think it hit 40 degrees. I had to turn the furnace on after I got out of bed this morning. I put on my T-shirt, my fleece and my ski Jacket and took happy out for his morning walk. Most of the other dog walkers had on jackets with hoods. Yep, we're a tough bunch down here in Texas. We don't let the weather keep us from walking the dog. Got to find my long underwear before the Christmas trip to Virginia though. Oh yeh, I also wore levis and shoes this morning.

LOL,in VT, some IBMers used to go to work  in the dead of winter in the snow with shorts on and a suit jacket. I like walking barefoot in snow but I don't go very far and I draw the line at taking the polar bear plunge. Worked on my sewing from about 10am to 2pm and that works really well in my schedule. Had to bump up the pellet stove to the second lowest setting because the oil was coming on too often. Made some curried rice and I think I'll surprise my friend by having the kitchen scrubbed down before they wake up.

I was treated to "wipeout" and "swamp wars" tonight. 

What is the world coming to...:-D

Frightening on so many levels....

My sympathies...




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