TBD on Ning

Guess the movie,book or song using the hints given in the preceding post.

Then put up hints about a book, movie or song.

Make them as explicit or obscure as you want.

This can be pictures, quotes, discriptions, or video clips.


The name or title of the subject you provide hints about must start with the letter of the alphabet which follows the first letter of the subject that you have identified. When we reach the end of the alphabet we start over with "A"


EXAMPLE: HINT: "Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn". 


Movie; "Gone with the Wind" (starts with a G)


NEXT HINT: The bellhop's dressed in black.


ANSWER: SONG; "Heartbreak Hotel" (starts with a H)


I'll start it off. The answer to this one has to start with an "A". 


Hint: Down the Rabbit Hole" 


Tags: Alphabet, books, movies, songs

Views: 1313

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another hint por favor?

Bob Dylan took the wife and kids there.


I KNEW I knew that song, but couldn't place it.

"Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues"




A song about a song that really gets 'em, Daddy-O, from Italy to Spain to Memphis to Africa.


All right, I can't get this tune into my head, the past two days I have been waiting for a Eureka moment but I'm coming up empty. Under The Big Black Sky is my guess since I can't understand the lyrics.

Great song. I might have heard him on The Primitive Hour - a radio show on a local college station.

I'll do "V"

"V" Movie.

Blondie stalwart and Nicki.

the Versace Family?

I do believe it's David Cronenberg's "VIDEODROME".

Yes, Debbie Harry was the common denominator.


A children's book, made into a movie last year, about a little brat who gets sent to his room and while he is there he creates an imaginary world of wild creatures who gnash their teeth and roar.

War Of The Worlds. No? How about Where The Wild Things Are.

"X"  Song.

Beatle-based pop versus new romantic
Only one will survive
History will decide




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