TBD on Ning

This is completely just for laughs.... Do NOT think of posting anything serious or thought provoking here...EVER!






I mean it...... :-)

Tags: dead thread, key holder, roflmao, tickle me please

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You have done this I assume.......:->

Ahhhh, Ummm...



No never.

This is almost one of those "you had to be there" moments, but I'll try to relate it as amusing as it was.......

Those mornings when the windows of Jaylee's car are all frosted over I go out and start the car and let it warm up and defost the windows.....saves her some time, you see....and of course I'm just a nice guy anyway. Yesterday morning was one of those mornings. She gave me a 'heads up' about 10 minutes before she was ready and I went out and started her car.

You have to understand she has a routine that never varies as she starts out the door, and she really doesn't like to be interrupted during that routine...... her coat goes on first....then there's what would have been called in the 1800's a "possibles" bag containing her lunch and whatever else won't fit in her purse that she slides over her left arm, then her purse and a half cup of coffee on the counter ready to go and just before the purse goes over that arm she rummages around in there for her keys that go in her right hand. The degree of organization during this time takes considerable concentration and I made the mistake yesterday morning of asking her a question right in the middle of all this. She reprimanded me thusly....."Don't interrupt my rountine, I have to do this to make sure I don't forget anything.......(and as she dug ever deeper into the bowels of her purse) see....now I can't find my #$@^%$ car keys!!!!" Barely able to contain myself I said,  " Uh....Honey, the car is warming up....I think.........." I didn't get to finish my sentence....She said, "Don't you dare laugh....just move, I gotta go!"

Sweet, smart, kind to animals and small children, and just 'blond' enough to keep things interesting.....:-))

And I bet you moved FAST!!!  ;-0

I did.....waited till she was out the door to laugh too.

I woke up, 
I lifted my arms, 
I moved my knees, 
I turned my neck.... 

Everything made the same noise

....I came to a conclusion: 

I am not old, 

I am crispy!!!

My brain's been going snap, crackle , pop since I was a teenage pothead............But hey Big Bro, I don't smoke it no more. I like my neurons crispy and golden brown , but not burned. Sorta like shaken but not stirred only drier.

It's been quite a while since I had a toke. Not saying I wouldn't if I had a chance, but wouldn't have a clue as to where to get it. Back in the day, everybody I knew indulged, but now I don't know a single person that does.

This kid has a serious case of the munchies!


As a confirmed germaphobe, I find that disturbing on sooo many levels.

The Nietzsche Family Circus






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