TBD on Ning

Tell me two things in response to the request. Then post your own for the next person.

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The all-devouring stampede of mindless consumerism, and the big uptick in drunk drivers.


TM2T you listen to only on headphones.

Jim Nabors ("Gomer Says Hey!")


Mrs. Miller (I'm a glutton for punishment!)


TM2T you LIKE about Axl Rose.

Well his voice and his ability to make money using it.


TM2T's that go great with a movie.

the popcorn trick and a box of junior mints :)


TM2T you will make for Thanksgiving?

dressing and homemade rolls


TM2T's you will do before bed tonight.

Have a slice of pumpkin pie and turn the pellet stove on again.



TM2T that let you know you had a great day.

the smile on my face and all the thanx to God in my prayers


TM2T's you need right now. 

More ice in my glass and a Bugatti Veyron.


TM2 things you miss about Richard Nixon. Go on, I dare ya.

I miss calling him Dick, but that's about it.


TM2T you like or dislike about the current administration.

I dislike the name Obama, sounds like jam. I also dislike the Amazonian First Lady....oops did I just say that?


TM2T's that make you angry about the current administration....just 2.

1- Action speaks louder than words. Where's the action?

2- Unemployment rate


TM2T  people may not already know about you.

Beneath the snarling sarcasm, I'm just a big sweetie. And I have a lot of Yes albums.


TM2 movies you really wish you hadn't seen.




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