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Why do so many people believe America is a Democracy?

We were warned repeatedly by the founding fathers what would happen if we ever became one, look around you, see the news lately? they're warnings are very much becoming a reality.

Truth is were not a Democracy, Don't believe me? recite the pledge of allegiance.

America is by definition a Constitutional Republic, and we were warned extensively by the founding fathers these days would be coming if we ever transformed into a Democracy.

Well, once again they have proven they're age old wisdom to be incalculably correct.

If we're a Democracy then whats the purpose of having a Constitution?  there is none.

The fundamental difference between a Democracy and a Republic is as vivid as night and day.

A republic is rule by "Law" (The Constitution)

A democracy is rule by "majority" (mob rule)

get it together folks and learn the truth, this nation is on the verge of committing suicide.



Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.
John AdamsLetter, April 15, 1814
US diplomat & politician (1735 - 1826)



Tags: the american form of Government

Views: 319

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Regardless of the Founders' intentions though, I think considering the fact that we have lasted 200 plus years and now have 300 million people it was not a bad plan of government. Democracies have historically been subject to volatile over throw. What actually concerns me more is I think we are declining somewhat where education is concerned. Our attention spans are diminishing along with that.

Also it is good to see people posting at all here which is why I was glad to see you make an effort at putting a discussion together. I to make a discussion but got one reply. I don't know, I don't think there are enough people any more but we are not going to encourage more by denigrating those who are trying.

I will deliberately strive to help keep this thread on page one as you do to try and keep it off Stir Young.

You are an ignorant and bias turd trying to squelch truth and justice. Go away....

unless you actually have an interest in 10 different discussions in a row on this particular group, which I seriously doubt, but if true then my humblest apology for referring to you as a turd.

Golly, an outright assault on truth, cant you guys at least try and read the truth instead of just pushing it to the next page as if you don't want to hear it. 

you too huh Quinn?


Did you think that maybe we just aren't interested?
Get over yourself.

Keep it on the front page, I don't care. But, I will continue to answer what I choose.

get over myself?  golly. that's quite a statement Quinn.

I'm not the one posting on thread after thread trying to silence people.

I'd say someone like that has more problems than I do trying to ask a simple question which no one cares to try and answer. 

Why do so many people believe America is a Democracy?

it's a very simple question don't ya think? at what point in time, in the over 200 years did people actually start thinking this? pretty darn good question if you ask me. especially considering it's NOT what the founders intended obviously, and warned us and warned us and warned us again and again. over and over they did. individually and unanimously. There is no chance of  A Democracy working for us or anyone else in the world and they're example is History itself from biblical times to present. Why on earth would anyone believe it will work now?

Have people given up of Freedom? or are they ignorant to the fact that every Democracy in all of world history has ended with the Government committing Tyranny.

there is no example of it ever working, ever. So, why do you think America is a Democracy?


Mr Tool, it may or may not interest you to know that I happened to find ten items to comment on which were of more interest to me than your thread.

It also may or may not interest you to know that I have read all of your contributions to this thread.

Finally, it also may or may not interest to know that I'm pretty much the most conservative person you'll find posting here in the Q & A, besides yourself, of course.

I have nothing more to say to you....I hope you enjoy your stay here.


wow, I find this great to hear. perhaps I'm in total error and would like to be for sure. 

It's just an issue I find rather dear and hard to understand. and I find myself a bit discouraged when i'm constantly finding my thread just past page two with what appears to be from people posting over and over again on threads just above mine with seemingly deliberate intent.

good day sir. my apologies for sure, and thank you for responding. 

With this post, I apparently made an error and was a bit over zealous with my assumption. 

I do hope Mr. Stir Young will accept an apology.

Tool I almost always disagree with you and on this subject I disagree more than usual. We do not have a republic or a democracy anymore. We have an oligarchy. We are ruled by the monied elite and they are gaining more and more power all of the time. Most people would be happy to return to a true republic. That is much of what the Occupy Wall Street movement is about. Perhaps you should be out there protesting with them instead of here.

Good by Tool.

very true to a point BAF, the oligarch's are indeed more in control than any president we've had in a long time. However, they seem to be very afraid of us and who we elect still, and that's reason enough for me to keep going. All be it there's not much hope till blood runs in the street it seems. And it was a premeditated shift to Democracy from a Republic that allowed the Oligarch's any power over us at all, and that came about by people not understanding the fundamental differences between a Democracy and a Republic, as a Government that follows the laws of it's Constitution is not susceptible to being taken over, but every Democracy in History has been taken over by Oligarch's and committed tyranny. 

I'm not against the occupy wall street, I just think they're misguided, the problem is the Government for allowing Wall street to influence them. They wouldn't be doing it if they didn't have the opportunity and it was the disregard for our Constitution and the mind set were a Democracy that has allowed it, just as our fore fathers predicted would happen if we ever embraced a Democracy.




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