TBD on Ning

Why do so many people believe America is a Democracy?

We were warned repeatedly by the founding fathers what would happen if we ever became one, look around you, see the news lately? they're warnings are very much becoming a reality.

Truth is were not a Democracy, Don't believe me? recite the pledge of allegiance.

America is by definition a Constitutional Republic, and we were warned extensively by the founding fathers these days would be coming if we ever transformed into a Democracy.

Well, once again they have proven they're age old wisdom to be incalculably correct.

If we're a Democracy then whats the purpose of having a Constitution?  there is none.

The fundamental difference between a Democracy and a Republic is as vivid as night and day.

A republic is rule by "Law" (The Constitution)

A democracy is rule by "majority" (mob rule)

get it together folks and learn the truth, this nation is on the verge of committing suicide.



Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.
John AdamsLetter, April 15, 1814
US diplomat & politician (1735 - 1826)



Tags: the american form of Government

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but we can't? were broke, can't even pay the bills without printing money and going into debt. were so in debt that we don't have a chance of paying it back. 

My interpretation comes directly from the writings of the founders, mostly from the Federalist papers. and it's pretty explicit about not taking care of the population by way of the federal Government, That is for the states or the people respectively..

There is no other way to interpret it,  The health care plan set forth recently by Obama is out right and blatantly un-constitutional. And were not A Democracy so the people do not have a right to just vote it for themselves either. we and our lawmakers must follow the law of the constitution or we might as well burn it and give in to the power elite. they would gladly take care of you, I'm sure. 

I don't think I've read anything in the Constitution directly related to 'healthcare.'Folks that use that excuse about healthcare being unconstitutional are simply afraid it's going to get into their pocket. Do you really believe a poor man diagnosed with cancer with no money for treatment should be just thrown to the curb and forgotten? Is that what you would do?

no, I'd help him if I could. BTW I've had cancer myself. both my Grandfather and father had insurance that covered it at the time. The Constitution is set forth dictating what the powers of the federal gvmt. are, not what they are not. all other powers are reverted to the states or the people respectively. and since as you've pointed out it does not grant the federal government with that power guess who has it?  The states, that's who. and that's also how we decide whether such a bill would even work on a federal lvl. is by trying it at state lvl. first.

To get health care on a federal lvl. you would have to amend the constitution, and have an apportioned tax for it. There would be no way to do it under the un-aportioned income tax's we all pay which BTW are un-constitutional itself. 

The federal government has the ability to tax whatever or whoever it needs to as long as the tax's are apportioned. They don't exactly follow that law, or the constitution, which is exactly what I've been saying all along. and is the core problem of why were in such a predicament with our failing economy.

WE can't just vote ourselves health care for all w/o amending the constitution and I don't see that happening, do you?


In my opinion it's not necessary.

The core problems with our economy are many and varied, mostly related to conservative regimes such as Reagan and the two Bushes. Bank deregulation. union busting, protection of big corporations operating abroad and escxaping any taxes at all, tax laws written with loop holes for the rich by lawyers bought by the rich, Manufacturing jobs usually held by the middle class shipped abroad to take advantage of lower wages paid there, two wars of choice, not necessary, started by Bush and still going, tax breaks for the rich by Bush.......and we all know the "trickle-down" bullshit is just that.......bullshit. I could go on and on,

 but I'm tired and I'm through.

I don't disagree with you on those points. however, none of which would be possible if we and our law makers actually followed the constitution.

we seem to be enamored with the concept that we can just put something we want on the ballot and vote it in with a majority, that folks is democracy, and the founding fathers were explicitly clear about what would happen if we started doing that. 

which is my point.

Quinn: ---"Healthcare? Wouldn't that fall into the 'life" portion of "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"? Or, isn't the Declaration of Independence important to you?"


It's important but it isn't law. That said, I would say the Declaration of Independence should embody the "spirit" of the law. However, there is nothing in the Constitution that makes any of the Declaration's "declaring" to  be ---- our rights. LL&PH are not rights but general aims. Jefferson was merely making a statement to the King that natural law made us free from tyranny, tyranny as they saw Britain practicing it. It has of course been argued that the British Empire just needed some kind of compensation for protection in the French and Indian War. The colonies were not paying for themselves in the eyes of the British.

The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.

Benjamin Franklin


"infrastructure and education are apportioned tax's, which means the ones who use them pay the tax not the ones that don't", Toolmaker

In every place I have ever been education taxes are paid by everybody even people with no childrem, people who send their children to private schools and the elderly. That is not an approtioned tax but a fair tax because everybody benefits by living in an educated society. The same should be true for healthcare.

In a perfect world, there would be spellcheck for every man, woman and child.


Just sayin'.......


Having Tool on here writing his right wing crap brings back fond memories of old times.

I am pretty sure that one of the first things in the Preamble says government should "promote the general welfare". If healthcare is not the general welfare then what is?




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