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Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs...

Do this! Don't do that! Can't you read the signs?! 







Tags: Can You Read the Signs?, Can't you read the signs?, Signs, What's Your Sign?, Where's Your Sign?

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Just for yuz guyz...*with a tip of my hat to Britscot..*

Compliments of Kooner.



Actually, though, I was hoping she'd be the Repub candidate. It would've made for an easy race.

I think it will be Romney against President Obama. How are closed-minded conservatives going to be able to cast a vote when their choices are a Mormon, formerly liberal & a black Democrat whose middle name is Hussein?

I thought I'd seen that before! sheesh.... teebs had me wondering about my sanity...


(just thought I'd throw you guys some easy bait this afternoon '-)

WHOOPSI Sorry Q, It did look a little familiar, but Kooner posted it elsewhere, and asked me to post it here.


I saw a sign,

A deer crossing, can the deer really read the sign and know to cross there.





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