TBD on Ning

Tell me two things in response to the request. Then post your own for the next person.

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I can't ,sniff , nobody pokes me anymore.................




TM2T that make you cry "wedding tears".>>>Besides weddings.

A lesbian masquerade party and finding working Ronco miracle bamboo steamers at a garage sale.


TM2T you do while you're waiting for your toast to pop up.



PS I just poked you.

good one, Funes!


I fry the egg that's going to go b/t the 2 pieces of toast for my breakfast sandwich & pour my 2nd cup of coffee!


TM2T you've done that have resulted in injuries. (I tried to catch a wrought iron candleabra last night as I was standing on a ladder & have really bruised my ring finger & pinky on my left hand!! :-( )


p.s. Go friend me right now on fb, Merry. I'll poke you!

What can I say? As a reckless youth, the local ER's knew me by my first name...


At about the age of 13, I was flying down a residential street on my old 10-speed, somebody yelled my name, I looked over my shoulder to see who it was and plowed into a parked car. Totaled the bike, I went over the handlebars and my ass busted the rear window, momentum kept me rolling over the roof, came down the windshield and scratched myself up pretty good on the wipers and got clotheslined by the radio aerial, rolled off the hood and got some nice strawberries on my left elbow and legs when I hit the pavement.


When I was 20, I spent the night at my parents after I'd come over to do some laundry and fell asleep. Got up in the morning, tripped over a floor rug in the dark and went right elbow-first through a plate glass mirror. Not a whole lotta blood, but I knew something was wrong because my right hand wouldn't act properly. Went to the ER, they x-rayed the wounds and found glass splinters had nicked my radial nerve, effectively removing my ability to open my hand from a closed position. Light surgery to remove all of the bits of glass, and after a couple of months had a length of nerve removed from the back of my leg and it was grafted into the place of the old radial nerve. (Photos of the operation were used in future textbooks on the rather pioneering surgery. I didn't get a dime from any of them.) The hand is permanently a tad weaker than the left one, but not in any way that's affected my life.


TM in 2 words or less how nauseous this post just made you.




TM2 uses for duct tape

I'm glad that you asked.

                      Shoe repairs/first aid.



TM2T you would like to see on a billboard.





TM2T you'd like to try as a job/career.


Mattress tester and marijuana grower. i think I could hold down both of those jobs at the same time.


TM2 jobs you hated.

Working at a gas station when I was 17. The low point was either when I discovered a dead man behind the wheel of his car on Christmas Eve, or when the skeevy manager stole the shipment of cigarettes and tried to blame me.


Working a second part-time job at a liquor store, to save up extra dough for the upcoming arrival of my daughter. The manager was an egomaniac who fired people for not being Chicago Bears fans. Lots of heavy lifting, broken glass, mold, foul odors, and zero respect.


TM2T jobs you quit in spectacular fashion.


It must have been REALLY spectacular. Was nudity or a three-alarm fire involved? Video, please.


(Like the new avatar? Less "curmudgeonly" and funny hat-free enuff for ya?)

You could become Ghost Buster Snagg.





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