TBD on Ning

I don't post here a lot, but I check in every day.  What have you been up to this summer?


In July I drove my mom to Hopkinsville, Kentucky (from Minnesota) so she could attend her 60-year high school class reunion.  

This year's garden is a disaster.  Too much rain = too many weeds.

We rented out our hay field this summer to a couple local farmers who are planted corn. It's over 9' tall.  

Lars bought fencing to enclose the new chicken house.  We may get chickens this fall.

I met my newest cousin, Claire, on Tuesday.  She's 6 weeks old and adorable.


As my Grandma Olson used to say, "Now you tell one."



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I was taller in my younger days.


So was I. Six foot one and then I dropped to 5' 10". Knee replacement surgery put me back a 6'.

All I have to say is: if you haven't looked at BAF's photos, you are really missing something

that is awesome.

I take snapshots, She composes art.

Summer?....Crap...It's almost over!!!

I have nothing to report, sad to say.


Pitiful..I haven't even been to the 'big lake' and it's only 30 miles away...

I lived  my summer vicariously through BAF and Robbie...:-)

For a look at my summer --- just click on my picture to get to my TBD account; then click on "PHOTOS" (41 of them).

Great pics!

Sounds like you had a productive and fulfilling summer :-)
Good Morning Quinn!!!! Good to see you survived. Ok, Happy is now jumpping up and down so guess I better take him outside.

I have not posted in sometime and as summer is coming to an end, I flip over and read  great  stories about fine people. I have been busy working, family has been here to visit. I did not have time to travel this summer, but I plan to do that in winter.


Thanks for this thread, D.D., & for sharing a bit of your summer w/us.

I have taken on a new job, which I think I'm going to like a lot.

I finally gutted my bedroom & closet & got them very nicely organized. I am continuing a large-scale paring down process so that we can really embrace the "not-so-big-house" & "not-so-big-life" philosophies. My beloved & I found a most lovely place to share & call home. He moved in a couple of months ago & I plan to move in in a couple of weeks.

One of my beloved senior dogs has relapsed into some significant age-related-dementia-separation-anxiety, which is quite stressful on both her & me.

We cancelled our summer vacation plans due to the moves, but have scheduled a mini-vacation next month. My first camping trip! We're going to "The Festy" in VA. It's a 3-day Bluegrass-&-a-lot-more Music Festival w/a trail run, a Mountain Bike race, yoga & just generally a fun looking time. I'm really looking forward to it!

I love the tight harmony singin' of good traditional bluegrass.

"Run ol' Molly run, run ol' Molly run,

Tenbrook's gonna beat ya,

in the bright and shinin' sun,

bright and shinin' sun, oh Lordy,

bright and shinin' sun."


You know, sumpin' like that, only with a few old guys beltin' it out.

I've missed Stir this summer.

I can hear ya Stir.





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