TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

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TPAM is sending a lot of time separating the wheat from the chaff.
TPAM has x-ray specs and a Captain America de-coder ring.
TPAM has a Martha Stewart decoder ring, and it's scary as shit.
TPAM moonlights as a clown.
TPAM was warned by Little Bo Peep to never trust smiling wolves.
TPAM sees the true me!

TPAM is the ringleader of a massive underground letter-writing campaign directed against MAPLE SYRUP - "Mothers Against Puppies, Lions, Eagles, Storks, Yetis, Rastafarians, Utilityinfielders & Puppies".


They start each letter with the phrase - "What the hell is your PROBLEM, anyway?"

TPTPAM (the person two people above me) realizes that after all I'm a rasta Yeti with a lion, eagle , stork dating a utilityinfielder with puppies...............
TPAM has a hard time finding someone who is willing to get close enough to her to style her dreadlocks.

TPAM is using his MIT connections again to watch me through one of them ding dang spy satelittes in the sky.


DiNg dANG iTTTTTT!!!!!!!

TPAM peddles moonshine now that her tupperware sales have gone down the toilet because of the recession.


Good News though is that the moonshine is very popular among the old tupperware party crowd.

TPAM is ignoring her constitutionally-mandated imperative to go garage saleing.




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