TBD on Ning

Most days are insignificant, non-memorable spans of time. They just fade into the day before or the day after. Life is like a long, long, string. It's only the knots that you notice. So my question is, "What have you done today to make your day "knotworthy".?

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I try to subscribe to the Pollyanna way of thinking...Everyday find something to be glad about. 

I try to make all of my days "knot-worthy."


Today I treated myself to ice cream at the ice cream parlor.

 Yesterday, the local Community Band played an outdoor concert at the church across the street. It was a beautiful night and a lovely way to spend it...


Some days are not as good as others, some days I am in a funk and don't even try to find something to be glad about [shame on me!], but I never think any of my days are insignifcant.


I'm making chocolate chip cookies as we speak.....how knotty can you get???

I just cooked a pork chop on my brand new $30 "George Forman Grill" .

Every Day is a Knot Worthy day if you pay attention to the bargains at the Livingston, TX  WalMart.

I have a love-hate relationship with that place.......the one close to me , not yours.
I figure I don't have nearly as many days as I once did so I try very hard to make the most of each one. Sometimes I am successful and sometimes I am not. Today was a not, at least so far.

When people ask you if your life seems like a twisted string, say "No, I'm a frayed knot."





That was a long standing joke between Felicia and I...

Today i dusted the top of the TV and re-arranged my sock drawer.    Now that leaves a knot worth remembering

Whoa, Bob. definitely knotty.

I mowed the lawn; the neighbors will count that as worthy.

Looked for a job yesterday, while the internet was working! 

Going to sell some stuff tomorrow to keep afloat.

So, Michael, guess it's hard to think one day at a time.

I've been looking for jobs for my adult live-in kids since I have retired from being a cash dispensing ATM.




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