TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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Yep!  Wock and wowl!
Johnny Weismuller had the best Tarzan yell!  Thanks for posting this, Aggie!
Sorry I have tried for 2 nights to post a photo but my high tech 50 dollar a month mobile 4G network will not stay up long enough to post a photo here.
Now, That was FUNNY!!!

i wore a bandanna that is colored/designed like a flag on Flaqg Day.

I put a real Flag outside the house.

At work i said to the girls at work "Happy Flag day". They had not a clue as to what flag day was or that there was even one. They are 21-27 years old, a couple of them are college grads.

Never heard of Flag day.  it is on the calander. Calander says Flag day.

it seems simple.... Hang a Flag it is Flag Day.

What do they teach them in college now a days?


I have been working so freakin' hard and in the heat sweating I lost some damn weight.

It that a rant or a rave or both?

i will still hang the Flag anyday.


George and I have left our flag up, BethD.

I always keep a flag up.

Unless it is a hurricane or blizzard.




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