TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16201

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hi, guys... doing the bump.
hey d's, what are we bumping?

Hey, P.A. - a rehash. I just wasn't in the mood.

(it's successfully bumped now '-)

Thanks to Stir, I rediscovered Warren Zevon.  I now have "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner" stuck in my brain.

Hmmm, I got nothing...I am still waiting for my brain to kick in.


For you reading enjoyment...Today on Wiki-How:


How to Write Good Status Updates

Social Networking isn't in its infancy anymore and your status updates shouldn't be either. It's time to get savvy about writing status updates that intrigue, interest, and inspire your friends and anybody else who can glimpse them. Here are some suggestions for writing good updates.

Try to write an update that is both compelling and relevant. Instead of repeatedly telling people how boring work is, or how much sleep you've yet to catch up on, it's best to leave information that's a little out of the ordinary. Try to:
Be witty; Find interesting ways of phrasing what you'd normally say without over-thinking it - for example, instead of saying "I just ate a calorie-laden muffin", say "My svelte body deeply regrets that muffin"; Word updates as if they're news headlines, or opening lines aimed at drawing in the reader for more; and Keep them short.

Focus on good news. Whether it's your own good news or the good news of a friend, most of us enjoy reading the positive, uplifting news. There's enough bad news out there already without your status updates adding to it.

Find things that make people laugh - good jokes, funny stories, and hilarious anecdotes. Find things that make people smile - happy photos, sweet sayings, and friendly banter.

Ask questions or ask for advice. Either of these two approaches can help to draw in people who like to give their advice, opinions, or ideas. It can spark off a two-way conversation that can last for days.

Photos are great for sparking comments. Ask a question about the photo, such as whether people like it, or if they know where/what it is a photo of. Or ask people what's wrong about the picture if you're dealing with a provocative issue.

Be mysterious. If you can inject a little intrigue and unknown into your updates, it might encourage your friends to ask "Hey, what's going on?!" Be careful though, the mystery touch can really annoy the more cynical, "been-there-done-that" crowd.

Discuss topics people love. There are some topics guaranteed to get a response:
Current disasters
Current sports events
Seasonal changes
A cause you're passionate about
Things you should be doing instead of letting the computer time-suck you.

Don’t try too hard. Status updates should be short bursts of brilliance – the less you think about them, the better they’ll be.

Respond. Social Networking is about interacting and being responsive. When people reply to your updates, it's not only polite to acknowledge their interest but it can also take things to a new level if you continue to interact about a particular topic and you never know what you might learn or what good might come from it!
I am horrible at "status" updates. I am hoping to learn something from this article :-)
I would like to add wine to the topic list please? I seem to use that a lot in my status updates on FB.

Wine is good.

Red, White, Rose?

Bottle, Box?

Foreign, domestic?


Can you buy wine just about anywhere?

In Pennsylvania we have to buy all of our alcohol from state run stores...beer, wine, liquor. What a pain the arse!

In Tennessee we have to buy all of our liquor and wine from Liquor and Wines stores. They are privately owned but it is still a pain in the butt. Beer can be bought almost anywhere.

Same in Kansas PA...when I go to Missouri I can buy wine in the Target, grocery stores and even the gas station. 
I buy my wine in a bottle....that is the only stipulation. I am not into the box wines.
Thats because we beer drinkers are the most advanced members of the species. Right Larry, TeeBub?




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