TBD on Ning

Glad to see all your smiling faces. Look who all is here.

Oh well, a little coffee. and a few poached eggs and shushi and every body will be awake.

Tags: breakfast., friends, welcome

Views: 23


Replies to This Discussion

That darn pretzel!!! Hope your day isn't too tiring Cat!!!  Robin aka Fanny, how ya doin'?  I'm glad to hear that RRC made out OK in your dream!!! LOL

There are 21 of us now. that means that only 76 are MIA. Last count on MA was 97.

Fri. I'll see if I can figure out how to enhance the site. If anyone else wants to build the Lodge have at it. I'm not too Computer Savy.

It's the old "Build It, And They Will Come" hope.

Kitty, Do you know what happened to Miria?

Well - good company, strong coffee & some gluten free food for me & RRC & I'll call it well built, Robbie. '-)
OK Kitty good call...I changed my name now I don't feel all scattered around.....thanks (-:
Robin, glad to know everything turned out great....LOL
It's very surreal to have someone that you only know by pictures in dreams...but it was defiantly you... I am glad it turned out great too.....

Funny, someone from here was in a dream of mine a few nights ago. And she & I have barely ever crossed paths. I thought it was very curious that this person would land in a dream of mine!

Hi, gang... hope everyone's having a good day!
Good afternoon, everyone.  I've got a allergy headache today that I can't seem to shake.  So I'm nursing another cup of coffee in hopes that the caffeine will kill it.  Anybody have any natural remedy ideas for helping allergies?

Local honey!


Also, local tinctures, or other drops that you drink or place under your tongue.

Try your local health food store.




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