TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

Tags: thinking

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That is obscene.
The same nonsense is happening in NY - Cuomo threatening the PEF union.
I want it to rain, so I don't have to do yard work.

@ funs.....

It's all a part of the plan boys and girls.It's going to get worse.

How wrong Emily Dickinson was! Hope was not "the thing with feathers". The thing with feathers has turned out to be my nephew. I must take him to a specialist in Zurich.


- Woody Allen

The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

Can't have any fun.




Do you think this could that possibly turn into a quagmare??

The problem with most right-wing celebrities/media darlings is the way they always crash into themselves after a while - They're always full of a lotta Big Talk about "Hard-Nosed Realism" and "Facing Tough Facts" - And then they suddenly start babbling about devils and omens and magical men in the sky and people who are evil sinners just for disagreeing with them who "stand in their way". And they usually start babbling....Just when things begin to not go their way.


(Except for Ms's Palin and Bachman. They started out babbling, and it's only gotten worse as time has passed.)


Doesn't exactly lend conservative stars that air of stability, humility and clear thinking that most Americans really do want in a leader. Falling apart the minute somebody publicly questions you or mocks you and yelling that "god" sent you to set us all straight still (luckily) raises the neck hairs on the majority of voters.

"are we seriously giving her a voice"

Not me, Olivia. I think she's an air head.(not what I REALLY wanna say) I also think John McCain should be tarred and feathered, (not what I REALLY wanna say) for elevating her into the spotlight. 

!!!G. Gordon Liddy and Ted Nugent in 2012!!!
Well, they'll get the NRA's vote.




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