TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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You would think a doctor would be able to fix the problem, kind of like taking your car in and expecting it to run like it should.  It's a shame you had to go through all of this and the whole time trusting their medical opinion and expertise.
The last guy did it right. I'm not positive I need another surgery either, just have experienced some pain recently. What he did was pretty radical. He pulled muscles from my sides and back, (he was even in one of my hips) to cover the hernia. He told me at the time there was a 30% chance that I would need another surgery within a year. He also said that if I ever needed any kind of abdominal surgery, I would need to come back to him, or someone that knows the techniques he uses. There is a guy in Daytona that is familiar with this technique, but thats 3 or 4 hours from here, and I still don't know what types of insurance he takes. All I have is his name, and can't seem to google him to the point of finding out exactly where in Daytona. I'm pretty much stuck with him or the guy in OH because I was told that the average surgeon would cut me open and have no idea what he was seeing. Gee, ain't I special.
Mine was butchered to the point that (before I met the last guy) I was told several times that I would have to deal with hernias for the rest of my life. His solution was a patch made of pig skin that he placed underneath the muscles.
Thanks, I'll check out the article. I've no problem with the pig skin. Except that it's REALLY expensive.



I knew better so this rant should be directed at me.   I needed help on a project and I called a guy that I used before.  I let him go the last time because he just couldn't show up early or anywhere close to starting time.  He's one of the younger dudes from the old neighborhood.  So I was giving him another chance.  It kind of parallels the last time he helped me. 


First day shows up at ten,  second day eleven,  third and last day two thirty.  The funny part about the last day is that he had called me and was honest that he had taken his son to school, went back home and fell asleep, found out that he could collect money from two guys and pursued that.  When I get the second call from him he has driven out to the job site and calls from the parking lot to ask if he should come inside.  Ha ha. He got three whole hours that day.  I didn't tell him until quitting time that I couldn't use him anymore.  It may sound like a cold way to do it but trust me I've seen guys that were told it was their last day at the start of a workday. Can you guess how much they did that day?  


At least he gave me another story out of it all.  I'm still friends with him but he won't be called to help again.  "Third time is a charm" does not apply with this setting. 

If I ranted everytime I did something stupid, I'd never leave this thread...


NOTE:   New lead-in for the topic.  The old one had a specific meaning when I started this thread.  



aahhhhh...but, the old one brought back such fond memories every time I saw it ;-)

Oops.  What was the name of the one gal you admired so much?  I think her feelings for you were mutual, right?  :-)



That would be Alla

...she did make me a better speller ;-))

Or, at least she makes me think about it more.

(I should be so lucky as to be able to rant about something like this)


I recently picked up a cd with a song so terrific that I can barely wait to play it - But I have to wait until early May to play it, as it's a cover version and I restrict myself to playing covers on their anniversaries. Oh, I know, i COULD play it whenever I damn well please, but then I might start playing any old cover any old time I feel like it, and I might get careless and start not playing other covers while I allowed the ones that I really dig to overshadow them and squeeze them out, and that wouldn't be good. That would be unfair. It would unbalance the covers database that I've carefully constructed over the past thirty years. It would be in defiance of The Natural Order. IT'LL BE ANARCHY!!!


I must be patient. I must allow it to germinate, to take root and be allowed to bloom at the proper time, when I can come up with surrounding songs to frame it and provide it with a background so that it can deliver it's maximum impact. This is a delicate procedure. Yes it is.


Also - Why the hell can't I find poppy-seed hot dogs buns in this town? Poppy seed bagels, no problem. Poppy seed cole slaw, at the deli, thank you very much. Poppy seed chicken at half the restaurants in town. Poppy seed hot dog buns for a Chicago-style Hot Dog - S.O.L., Chief.

What the hell? Are people around here THAT terrified of failing a random drug test?

Do not taunt the DJ, sister.




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