TBD on Ning

Funny Headlines... '-)

And another:

Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant

Tags: Funny.Headlines, Make.Me.Laugh

Views: 484

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It is complete fun... IRL humans can be so damn cruel.  So let's continue to balance it out with how completely stoooopid they can be...   I'm all for that!

This is not meant in any one direction.  It's a line from back in the 70's from some movie/show and was used frequently in my former circle..

"f--k 'em if they can't take a joke"

p.s. Don't you dare change.  Someone let me know if they find a source for my "quote".


I'm pretty sure this one is real!!

I don't get it.... Saturday night, downtown.... what am I missing?


{{{(((TEEBUBBADEEGEE"SPEE!!!)))}}} you're up early on a Sunday morning! 



I'm interested in the report below that one, too - "A kitten on Shaw Drive apparently has 'rectum..."




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