TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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I was  just out on the second go around of shoveling wet  heavy wet snow

at midnight.

Another blizzard.

I got to  keep up with it.

Okay,I went to bed @ 8:35pm. Got a good night's sleep. Over 8 hours. But b/c I was so sleep deprived, I guess, I'm still tired. Gonna shoot for early again tonight, then hopefully I'll feel well rested.


And, JLee... it is VERY RARE that I can say this, but bein' lucky, for once, is not why I was worn out. But it usually is. '-)

Other Jaylee Sweetie.She's the pretty one. Kudos however. ;)

I know... I realized when I shortened hers that it looked like yours, but I just smiled & did it anyway.

You're pretty cute yourself. '-)

Why Thank-you.

yw, J Lee S



Is there a message behind that Q Bee???

LOL!! No, but I was hoping it would jerk your chain. '-)




I wanted to rant about being ticked off by my hit and run sideswipe, but when I picked my car up today the collsion company had washed it, waxed it, cleaned the windows and vacuumed the inside.

That was so unbelievably nice!

Must be a bunch of Texans working there. :=))

Wow, that IS unbelievably nice! Yay, Quinn!




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