TBD on Ning

This is the place where you can pop in and say "hey" ONLY if you are #13 or less online here at TBD.  Sometimes the fewest voices carry the strongest message.
Pipe up and let it be known you are here....
Take a number and stand in line....
*like anyone would really know....hehe!*

What's your favorite donut or pastry...

.*that'll work too....*

Tags: cream of the crop, goes good together, less is more

Views: 6083

Replies to This Discussion

Hi, Jaylee! Have you come up for air? '-)

Once but only for a minute....;-D




Just me and Mary at 10:29 EST

I don't know you, but goodnight Mary.

Goodnight anyone that might be lurking...


Can't tell how many are here with me cause this computer doesn't show the "chat".

I just stopped by to say "Howdy"......it's cold and snowy here.....

"Howdy" to you, too, Bob!

There are just me and one other person at 4:04 PM EST.

Me and somebody else.....

A regular "flurry"  w/o the snowflakes.


How 'bout an Oreo Flurry?   Beats  cooking!

six people here at 7:05 pm. Jaylee, d's girl and some other I am not familiar with.
well, at least you mentioned me. I was startin' to think you were avoiding me. '-)
An Oreo Flurry, Jaylee?  Sounds good to me!  :-)

Hi PA. Hi d's, Jaylee, Lynn and Corrine.

Five of us now. Yipee!

O, and lurkers...Hello to you too!

You lurking @ us?
Just checking in.....probably all alone....lights are out...heat is off.




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