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How about a thread where we can go just to check in,

hang out, converse a little about anything? 

here's a place for us to just...


check in...


see what's going on with each other...


catch up...


So... what's up?



Tags: What'cha*doin'?, What's*goin'*on?, What's*up?

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((((hugs)))) to you dear d's.   This will be a very special time for you this year....

I will be on my own...my 2 sons will show up and be goofballs...esp if I buy the beer.   DD (darling daughter) will stay away...probably work.  It takes some getting used to..but I have to learn to make new memories.   Just like you are doing now.

New years Eve.....a whole ''nother story!!!

thank you, Jaylee. {{{(((hugs to you, too!)))}}}


leaving old memories behind & forging new ones is challenging. But there are delightful parts to this journey and joys to be discovered. I have to remind myself of those things sometimes.


Its back to work tomorrow, then on to the three day weekend.  Tomorrow night there will be a big holiday/closing for the season, family style dinner, at the greasy spoon.  Depending on the weather, I have about a 45 minutes to an hour commute from work to get there in a timely fashion.  I hope I make it.   Saturday night I'm invited to friends' house for ribs....kind of an annual event.   Christmas will be a low key affair.....I'll just go over to my mother's house for a while.

A lot of work.  My own work and when I'm not doing that I'm helping some guys on a 42,000 sq/ft home.  The thing is huge and amazing.  Hidden hallways behind bookcases.  Indoor pool.


Looking forward to my oldest boy and his wife to show up for the holidays.  They'll be here on Sunday. Really looking forward to their stay here.

Happy holidays to you all!


I'll be driving down to work in the flower shop again this year, so we'll have a colorful Christmas, while making lots of people happy. 

I lost you guys address so please send me your address (PM) for your Christmas present.


*not looking...not looking....*

Is that a hedgehog in the midst?

Flowers can be magic....

Take care and have a happy....

Oh....Havana...I would love to go there...post a pic, please.....!

I could go there couldn't I...I have a UK passport.  I think it would look suspicious though.  Wouldn't want to be put on some "list" just because I want to go to Cuba.  That's not right...what point does the imbargo serve anymore.


Think of us if you get to see the eclipse....I'll be snug asleep and warm...

Your holiday plans for the next month or so sound wonderful, B A F! I hope your moonlit ski is delightful. My beautiful man has a pull with the moon. He is so attracted to it, to poems about it, photos of it... last night he decided against setting his alarm to wake up to see the winter solstice lunar eclipse. He woke, for 'no apparent reason' at 1:45am & got to watch the whole thing transpire for nearly an hour. mmm... life is good. '-)


Please keep us posted & share your holiday journey with us... the skiiing, the visit out east (anywhere near me?? '-), Cuba.... enjoy! xox

Happy Holidays, B A F!  Enjoy your travels.




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