what about 'slicker than a greased pig'.
Do pigs have hair grease & grease themselves so they don't get caught to be pork chops.
Or who is greasing the pigs? JiffY Lube?
Are PETA people sneaking in at night in the pig pen to grease the pigs so the pigs can't be caught to be butchered?
Permalink Reply by BethD on November 21, 2010 at 11:30am
crazy as a loon.
When did the loons got to the shrink to determine they are crazy?
Are there nuthouses for crazy loons?
Do nut houses have nuts?
Then if they did, the squirrels would want to go there.
Would a nutty squirrel be crazier than a loon?
madder than a wet hen.
Has anyone ever seen a mad Hen ?
Aren't they usually in a hen house, does it have a leaky roof and they get mad
and refuse to lay eggs and peck peoples ankles?
Don't birds live outside and they get wet in the rain. I never seen them mad
they hide in bushes.