Rant: Wanted to just send a message to some one here on TBD. Now I find I actually have to be friends with that person to do it! Do I really have to go THAT far????!
Rave: No snow tonight...sorry, that's all I got...:-]
Don't you just love it when the sanctimonious types attempt to demonstrate their piety by asking somebody for whom they have nothing but contempt to explain themselves?!!!? It's not as if the person to whom this contempt
is being directed owes them any favours or is beholden to them in any way. Nor will the inquirer find any satisfaction in the answer given. No, the inquisitor will obsessively look for a hidden meaning within the answer (in which there is none) with which they will attempt to exploit for their own purposes, further exacerbating their own mental anguish and their own contempt for the person who is being subjected to such scrutiny.
No, Quinn. Your question in and of itself was fair and not at all mean spirited, unlike the two comments that followed, posted by the "reigning king and queen of TBD". If you felt slighted by my above post, I do apologize. As for the other two.....
Permalink Reply by Ubu on November 5, 2010 at 6:54pm
Uh....let's see....hmm....yeah it's finally happened. The lightheartedness intended for the thread finally turned the other direction.
This was to be a haven from all the drama and slamming and slurring. Yeah, I know, I haven't been here all that much lately but I would have hoped that all real attacks could have stayed out of this.