TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

Tags: thinking

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The current world record pumpkin at 1,810.5 pounds!!

I'm thinking about eating some worms...
Here ya go d's g, Have a nice bowl of worm soup with bat wings.

thanks, tee! '-)
I'm not overwhelmed, and I'm not underwhelmed. Does this mean I am whelmed?

Your welcome d'sg
The combination "ough" can be pronounced in nine different ways. The following sentence contains them all:
"A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed."
Why would you want to wet your whistle? Do whistles work better when wet?
I wonder why I keep posting random thoughts.
what about the saying 'clean as a whistle'.
If some one is always blowing on it with their mouth how clean is it?

and what about, "healthy as a horse'?
Horses are hard to keep healthy, they go lame, get colic, founder, need shots, and be wormed, it is hard to keep a horse healthy.
also 'Working like a dog', how many dogs do you know that actually work????
Maybe a few police, seeing eye , search /rescue, tracking dogs work, but the majority
of dogs don't work.
And who the heck decided that a groundhog's shadow can predict the weather?
Why would anyone want to know "There is more than one way to skin a cat"?
Who skins cats ?
And who shoots ducks in a barrow? Has anyone EVER seen ducks in a barrow?
I can understand sharp as a tack, but smart as a whip? Do whips have an extremely high IQs?




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