TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




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No you can get those things at a restaurant
duh. yes, you can. ;-p

don't know why, just struck me as home cooked tonight. '-)

Been a busy bee in the kitchen today. Whatever possessed me to can jalepenos and salsa AND bake a fresh peach cobbler I will never know. It was 93º here!!!
Beautiful, Sugar!!

sorry...just had to do it!
And we all say...."Yum, yum."
My Dad did the cooking tonight....grilled ham slices topped with grilled pineapple, tossed salad and roasted vegetables...sweet potato, butternut squash, white potato, carrots, onion and garlic..all slathered with EVOO seasoned and roasted on the grill.
I stuffed myself!
You didn't invite me?
Had been waiting to try a recipe for decadent French toast; finally broke down today and made it.
It involved brioche dipped in a rich cinnamon/vanilla batter, topped with sliced bananas and a Bananas Foster-type syrup. Yum. Dessert breakfast.
A side benefit: the house smelled very delicious.
Tomato-basil sausages, mediterranean veg mix (a favorite freezer quickie) with mixed grain pilaf.

Dot, it would be good to add moderate amounts of brown rice or other whole grains to add protein - they take longer to digest and make you feel more satisfied. Good to add to soups or salads, too. Here's a page with some ideas. I love bulgur, quinoa, soy flakes, stuff like that, and sometimes just mix them right in with my vegetables. Leftovers make a good base for a chef's salad, dressed up and served on lettuce.
Great idea Chez. I love to keep a big bowl of cooked quinoa in the fridge, I toss it onto salads instead of croutons, [it's gluten free] I add it to anything I am reheating, pasta and casseroles. The other day I was running late for work so I grabbed what was left in the bowl, tossed on some frozen asparagus, some salt and vinegar. I heated it in the microwave and had a delicious lunch.
That's exactly it. I always make extra to have rice or couscous or something in the fridge, and the freezer too. I like to spread them on a tray to freeze and slip them into a bag afterward, so you can take out just what you need.




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