TBD on Ning

Here's the deal...I do a great deal on wondering about stuff.  Sometimes I actually wonder about myself and why I do the things I do....like:

Procrastinate the hell out of paying bills.

Wait till I'm beyond hungry to cook supper and then don't really want to eat it.

Dread hearing from my youngest son...who has bi-polar disorder, btw.

Dream about my ex more now than I  did for the 30yrs we were together.

Take some of the stupid superfluous personalities on line seriously.

Prefer the company of my kitties to forging friendships with real people in my real everyday life.

Work in the medical field yet am a terrible patient.

Tags: billmeperpaypal, havenoinsuranceandcan'taffordashrink, iseeyouandyouseeme, youguys'lldo

Views: 53

Replies to This Discussion

No, but I did have a powder blue denim one with spangles on it. I looked like a third rate country singer when I wore it. I can't ever remember wearing it after 1975, and at any rate, I threw it out in 1989, when I was leaving the marital home.
I'm wondering what kind of lawnmower PA bought.
I'm wondering if Snagg spent that money yet.
I'm wondering if Bob made up his mind about a computer.
I'm wondering if anyone else is here or if I'm just gonna keep talking to myself.
I took the old lawnmower to the shop. they promised to tell me what it will cost to fix it and if it is too much I will have to buy a new one.
I'm not shopping for a new computer......just want to know what folks think of Macs and PC's...
I wonder so much.
I delete more stuff here than I actually post.
I should have deleted MOST of what I DID post.....:-D
Why can I not think of a good, new question???
I'm wondering why mosquitoes bite me but not my friends.
You are sweeter than your friends. Eat more vinegar based foods.
Are you emitting an overly large amount of carbon dioxide?
Do I look like a plant?

O, wait, is that another way of asking...o, nevermind.
Reply by PA 11 minutes ago
...Eat more vinegar based foods.

I would ask for suggestions, but it appears that you only eat restaurant food.
In a town where I am not. So, even if you're eating vinegary things there, I may not be able to get them here.




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