TBD on Ning

The Lake Livingston Dam. It's on my left.

This is for Pru

Driving down to the lake

The Onalaska causeway
Still at ESCAPEES HQ at Livingston, TX.
To day I decided to take the new car(TOWD) and drive around Lake Livingston. So, got the camera, the dog, sunglasses, GPS, Texas map, some money, and off we went. The map didn't do a whole lot of good. Most of the roads I was on were not shown on the map. Or the GPS. However due to my superior navigation skills, I was able to find the lake. (:>) It's the second biggest lake in Texas. I is harder to miss than to find. I found the Dam. It isn't that impressive, but it sure does hold back a bunch of water. I had to backtrack to get pictures of the dam. Then I drove on into Coldspring. Which at one time was named Cold Spring. How cold does a spring have to be in East Texas to be considered cold? Anyway, as I drove into town I saw a historical marker. Pru loves historical markers, so I stopped to take a picture of it. Happy was in the back, and it had warmed up considerbly so I left the engine running, got out, took a couple of pictures, started to get back in the Jeep, AND,,, the damn doors were locked. There I am, The dog, my billfold with all my debit, credit, and Identification cards are in the car. The car is running and I have no way of getting in it. I notice that about a half block away a guy is working on the door of a building. I walk back explain my situation and ask where the nearest police station might be. He says it's about a quarter mile on into Coldspring. Then he says, "there comes a police car now, I tried to wave it down but the driver is looking the other way and goes right on down the road. There is a young guy(about 13 or 14) there who I guess is the man's son He seems kind of shy. I go back to the car and the son catches up and has a coat hanger. I try with no luck to get the coat hanger inside the door. The boy says he will watch the car while I walk to the sheriff's office. So, off I go. I come up to woman sitting in a car talking on a cell phone. I ask her if she knows where the sheriff's office is and she says that she knows and will take me there. She does. I go in the door and am immediately ask if I am there to visit an inmate. I explain my predicament and am directed to the dispatcher. I explain to her and a deputy why I am there. I feel about jails and prisons about like Pru does about rabbits, so I am not a happy inmate. The very young female dispatcherCalls two or three places. She find one that answers and says he will be right there. So, I hike back to the car. A couple in a pick up truck show up about five minutes after I arrive back at the car. The Guy uses an air inflateable device to pry open the door to the point that he can get a rod inside and open the door, charges me $40 gives me a reciept and once again all is right with the world. I am $42 poorer, I gave two to the boy for watching the car, Happy is still asleep in the back, but does wake up when I nudge him, and we are on our way. I later find out that the damn door locks if the key is in the ignition whether the car is running or not. Must be the idea of some wet behind the ears engineer. Sure as hell, no mature individual such as I would design something so stupid. So we motor on around the lake and back to the RV park. I eat feed the dog and go to an ice cream social. Then come back and write this blog.

Views: 45

Tags: Adventure, East, RV, Sex, Stupidity, Texas, Travel


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Comment by Kittycat on November 23, 2009 at 9:58am
Robbie, what an adventure. You sure can have them!!! lmao But the best part is you and Happy made it back in one piece and Yaaaaayyyy!!!! Ice Cream to top it all off!!!!!
Comment by larry kremis on November 23, 2009 at 6:35am
Thanks for making it clear that the dam was on your left, very important to know. Would have lost a lot of sleep pondering; was it on Robbie's left or right? What direction was he travelling?

Ok ok, so I'm jealous.
Comment by CWO3ROBBIE on November 22, 2009 at 9:27pm
Next time I'll know who to call. Does that remind you of "GhostBusters"??



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