TBD on Ning

My last blog dealt with my trip to Utah to find old friends and lost dreams of Urainium Mines.

The trip was very enjoyable and fullfilling. But, a major highlight of the trip came at the end.

My last day in Salt Lake City, Utah included meeting a dear friend from TBD.

Who? Why J. Lee S. The bard of SLC. I also met his landlady, Kim, her mother, and one of her sons.

J. Lee S. now holds the dubious honor of being the 51st TBD Member that I have met in real life.

It was a great visit and we had a great time. They picked me up at the Motel, drove me to their place and cooked for me. How great is that? The weather was clear, clean, and invigorating. What else would you expect of Salt Lake City?

Well, the last time I was there, in 1995. I landed in a snowstorm,waded snow for a week, and took off in a snowstorm.

J.Lee and I had a great conversation. Were any of your ears burning?

After a pleasent visit. Which included a discussion of soccer with Kim's son and a tummy full of grilled chicken and veggies, they took me back to my motel so I could get in bed and get up a 4 am to catch my plane back to Houston.

Here are some pictures.

Hats on for Pru. I'm not the tall one with the flower pot on his head.

Landlady/Chauffeur Kim

Which one is the master griller?

Just before the fire dept showed up.

Is it going to blow???

Views: 24

Tags: Utah, friends, tbd, travel


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Comment by Jaylee53 on May 26, 2010 at 5:11pm
Sweet.....good food...good company....Love charred chicken....! Great hats.....We (TBD) must do a hat thread again....!
Comment by lynn on May 24, 2010 at 6:31pm
great pics, looks like a grand time.
Comment by J Lee S on May 24, 2010 at 7:12am
I look like the Jolly Green Giant!!! This is what happens when everybody else around you is skinny!
A very nice visit with Robbie. He is a wonder storyteller and can converse on just about any topic. It was great listening to him and J.P.(Kim's son) talk about soccer and Germany and technology and it's future. Great weather, great company and of course great food...Kim is grill master and the chicken came out great!Anybody who hasn't had a chance to meet Robbie yet, don't pass it up; simply a wonderful gentleman.
Comment by larry kremis on May 24, 2010 at 4:28am
I'm definately jealous. Isn't it about time to head northeast?
Comment by TeeBubbaDee on May 24, 2010 at 2:27am
I'd like to go too, but will settle for watching Happy.
Comment by Chez moi on May 23, 2010 at 11:05pm
This looks like fun! What a great way to celebrate starting the second half of your countdown to 100 TBDers.
Comment by Kittycat on May 23, 2010 at 9:36pm
What wonderful pictures!!!! I can smell the chicken cooking!!! Can I come with you and Pru the next time??? Please!!! We'll leave Happy with Larry... I know that Happy would take real good care of Larry... :)



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