TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16199

Replies to This Discussion

Sorry to hear that PA :(

But, I must say, my distorted sense of humor finds the gift thing giggle worthy :-)

My voice has returned.

Much to the sadness of friends and family...


Still a little tired, but much much much better.

I'm glad that your feeling better.

Hormonal fluctuations manifesting in headache , another mau mau headbanger. I'd like to hang out more but I think a nap will get rid of it. I'm too wimpy to stick around.

I'm so sorry you have a big, bad headache, Merry. (((hug)))

My status.... grateful, loved, happy, sad, grieving, tired, fatigued, emotional.

My dad's death & a Celiac episode are kicking my ass.

Love from Ducatiman so big it's bigger than either of us keeps shoring me up.

Hope you feel better soon Deez!!!!

I just read part of a book all the way through.

I'm proud of you, funes. Might you read the other parts of it all the way through as well, or no?

heading out....

gonna walk the dogs, shower, go Christmas shopping, then come back home & MAYBE start a painting project before I go in to work this afternoon. It'll be a late night at work tonight.

Hope you all have marvelous days today.


Got my computer fixed; kind of.


Thank God you're back, man!

What does " kind of" mean, C3P0?




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