TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16203

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Unfortunately that same warped perspective bleeds over into other parts of our lives which could help explain the woes of this country.

I can't help but compare this to the recent firing of a two star General for speaking out about Karzi.

The General was fired because you can't run a military effectivly if everyone is allowed free speech. I do believe that. At the same time, a Country can not function effectivly for the citizens without free speech. 

Paterno did what the rules required. If he had pushed the the investigation beyond what the rules said, he probably would have been fired back then. College sports have always been kind of militaristic. Not only football, also basketball, and remember the Duke Soccer scandal. Also, sexual peversion is a very murkey area. Often, the whistle blower is the one who ends up suffering the most damage.   Maybe such behavior should be taken care of in the manner of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo".

This whole thing has been handeled badly from the very start. I think that making Paterno the Scapegoat is just the latest badly managed result of the situation.

Lets divorce it from football for a closer inspection. I am a guy so I can not address what goes on in the world of women. But i would like to point out that this behavior is not confined to football. It happens in just about every activity where young males are involved with older males in cloistered environment. Especially where the older, bigger, stronger males have absolute authority and are looked up too for spending their time mentoring the younger males. It happens in religious orders, Boy Scouts, boarding schools, sports teams and clubs, the military, and other such organizations. This is not saying that mixing the sexes eliminates the problem.

The problem is caused by a larger, wider failure of human society. In our societal groups we have manditory information and study groups about many behaviors, but I have yet to be required to attend one on sexual deviance. Why? Because we have trouble not only dealing with it but defining it.  It seems much simpler to try to segregate the various sexual categories than to define deviance. In my estimation Paterno is just the latest victim of this, "bury our heads in the sand rather than identify what is abnormal sexual behavior and deal with it".

OK, off the soap box and go clean the RV.

I agree with Quinn whole heartedly. I think if this had happened at the University of Tennessee the same coverup would have occurred. Football is more important than anything else that school does.

This gets more and more interesting…Just had lunch with a Penn State alum, who has connections…

Apparently the powers that be at Penn State knew that Sandusky was a “problem” LONG before the initial investigation in 1998*. If they had fired him flags would have been raised as Sandusky was long considered to be Paterno’s replacement.
So, instead, Sandusky “retires” in 1999 to devote more time to his charity organization and no one is the wiser until McQueary and Paterno blow the whistle in 2002???

*In 1998 a janitor at the school witnesses Sandusky abusing a child, an investigation was launched, the DA chose not to prosecute Sandusky and the police dropped the investigation.
Four years later, around the time of the second allegation, the DA goes missing. They find his car and some personal belongings, but his body is never recovered.


I would guess it is probably not a coincidence. Some people would do anything to keep the status quo.

Probably not a coincidence at all.

There's no telling how  many dead skunks will pulled out of this should a real investigation be launched. However in the world of college sports, especially the class A schools where power and money still rest not only with the current administrations, but also among the alumni this will probably go no further than it already has.

Remember, they gotta protect the name, the honor, the integrity, and the culture of the school.

All of this sorta crap sickens me.....which goes back to my freshman year in high school. But that's a whole 'nother story.      *no, I wasn't the victim of any sort of deviant sex*

*~*~*~drive by~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Morning d's. Happy 11/11/11.

Back atcha, P.A.

Status... I'm not really sure. I've been watching the Vietnam In HP specials on the history Channel for the last 2 nights. Yes, I'm proud that our brave men and women put their lives on the line for something they believed in. But I'm not sure if I believe that what they fought for was worth it. Did you know that the average soldier in WWII spent approx. 10 days a year in combat? Did you know that the average soldier in Vietnam spent approx. 240 days a year in combat? I've watched 3 episodes so far, up through the Tet Offensive. The next episode will cover 1969, the year I graduated. It was the year of the draft lottery. I drew a really high number so wan't drafted. Should I be happy that I never had to kill another human being, no matter the cause, or should I feel diminished because I didn't step forward and lay my life on the line like so many other brave Americans did????????

I'm grateful, Teebs, that you didn't go to Vietnam. War is vicious, ugly, heartbreaking. I'm grateful for those who have fought to protect our country, but I wish very much that they didn't have to go through what they've had to go through.

Count your blessings T. Everyone has heard me say that the Vets are higher risk for homelessness than the rest of the population . Viet Nam Vets are more likely to die on the streets than non Viet Nam Vets who are homeless. I think it has so much to do with agent orange exposure, which makes them higher risk for diabetes and then couple that with not being able to eat right..............




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