TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16203

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Hi Deez, Glad to hear that you survived.

Alright, Jaylee & Quinn - I leave for just a few days & come back to find you two patronized & annoyed.

*sigh* ...we'll have to fix this.

HI, GANG!! *waving to everyone*

Just back from the camping trip! '-)




Hi, Robbie & Teebs! {{{(((big hugs!)))}}}


Camping... it was a piece of cake!


And TEEBS! There was a man there advertising a camping trailer that looked just like your son's!!

I'll see if he has a website & show you.


Found it! The company is called the "Appalachian Teardrop".

I'll have to tell Brian about that.

Here's the link: http://www.appalachianteardrop.com/


I just came across a YouTube vid of a Festy performance & you can jussst see me in it, barely. I'm only 5'4", so I get buried in crowds. I'm behind & to the left of the guy waving the blow-up flamingo. (yeah, it was that kind of music festival - hahaha '-) I was wearing a fuschia colored harf, like a crocheted hat. Too bad it didn't catch d-man groping me, which he enjoyed doing in the crush of the crowd. '-)

I couldn't find you. could you get everybody to calm down a bit and maybe then I could see you. Oh is that you with the pink flamingo?

hahaha... no, P.A. I'm BEHIND & to the LEFT of the guy w/the blow-up flamingo! Keep up! I know, it's probably hard to imagine me there, jumping to the beat, surrounded by a bunch of 20-somethings. It was a diverse crowd. '-)


Welcome back, d's girl!

Okay! It's been nice hanging out this a.m., but I gotta get to my house & see my dogs for the 1st time in 5 or 6 days!

Hope you guys have a great day & I'll look forward to crossing paths w/you tonight!

UMMMMit was an above average sort of day. The weather was spectacular and warm for this time of year. I showed off my wares and felt that the work I did was worth the time and effort even though it didn't bring me alot of money. I made a lot of folks smile, got hugged and one of my crazy quilts is going to be prominently displayed at the local library. The head librarian went to Pratt and studied and taught art so I have someone to run things past , possibly a mentor or whenever I need feedback on my work he's a first rate resource. A kindred sort of spirit. God how I love good conversation. I needed a boost. No one and I do mean no one goes ooooooh  ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when I do the dishes and clean the house. They never stay done and eat up the whole dahyem day.

I did work on the sun porch and sand and scrape the windows down. I think the whole porch should be replaced but that's just me. Ayend I washed the kitchen floor and got rid of an entire pot of pea soup that I couldn't bring myself to eat because when the ham bone thawed it didn't smell fresh enough to me. I think that it's bad luck to throw food away but no one wanted it . Now I'm taking a break and then I'll saddle up and head into the kitchen for yet another fascinating round of endless wench like chores.

Wow, Merry, you are sooo productive!


BIG CONGRATS on your quilt getting a prominent display at the library - that's awesome!! Yay for you! '-)

Thank you/ I'm tired , I think I'll lay down now.




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