TBD on Ning

i had to watch this a couple times to have my mind fully grasp how fricking clueless the person from the family research council is....and how skewed his view of the world is..

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You are right. The guy from The Family Research Council is clueless but so are most people in such organizations and it seems a higher percentage of them are actually gay than in the overall population.

Unbelievable.  He's actually proud his faith discriminates against minorities.

People like that are just nuts. Here in Tennessee a group in the legislature is trying to decertify the campus police at Vanderbilt University because the univercity has an "all comers policy". Which means all university affiliated groups must allow any who wants to join. They openly say that the policy keeps Christian groups from discriminating so it must go. Last year they tried to just outlaw the policy but even our wimp governor new better and vetoed it. So this year they are taking a different tach.

Pediatrics Association Says It Supports Same-Sex Marriage


Aside from LGBT familys being denied the social recognition of marriage there are huge civil rights benifits that are currently denied gays.

A few of the federal benifits avalible to heterosexual married couples but denied gay couples. Directly afected by the Supreme Cuort ruleing Wennesday on DOMA.


Federal Marriage Benefits Denied to Same-Sex Couples

Whether married or not, gay and lesbian same-sex couples are denied many federal benefits that are available to heterosexual married couples.


We all know this is a prelude to the arguments to be held at the Supreme Court on California's Proposition 8 and DOMA.

The question is how will the court rule.  In the Affordable Care Act the court ruled as a matter of law, not emotions, not religious principles nor even fairness, and probably do so in these cases.  Of course, by invoking civil rights, and if the cases are decided on that basis in favor of same sex marriage, the game is over, or could be over in that there is no practical road for a constitutional amendment merely on the need for 3/4 of the states which means only 13 states would be needed to oppose assuming such an amendment could get through congress.  However, if the decision is made that such concerns are the reserved rights of states, then, well, then things get interesting.

What we have here is an issue that resolves as to either you believe in the right of same sex marriage, or you don't, and if you don't, are you willing to stop any and all efforts to promote the practice.  As of today, the national polls say that the issue is a personal choice sanctioned by the state, not a religious practice, and then again, as institution marriage itself is on shaky ground already.  As to winners, if the ruling is in support of same sex marriage, well, that probably will include divorce lawyers.

 Having ben born with full civil rights under the law it is easy to dismis prop 8 and DOMA into some distant theoretical set of arguements.

 Having ben born withuot full civil rights and protection from discrimination under the laws the case ruleings afect reality for thousands of Americans.

Same sex marriage is on its way. The Family Research Council isn’t going to stop it.  Even some Republicans are moving in that direction.  I just don’t see what it is about it that gets many people so worked up.

We can’t put the issue behind us soon enough.  Live and let live. I hate those damn social issues anyway.  Meanwhile we keep killing each other in wars (and on our streets), we fail to properly educate our young people, especially minorities, the tax code is in shambles, and on and on....

The freaks out to discriminate against gays won't ever give up any more then they have given up and respected the Constitutional right to abortion.  We are talking about the crazies here...

seems kinda simple....equal rights ...and being able to marry the consenting adult of your choosing who also wants to marry you....if you are against gay marriage, then turn down gay marriage proposals with a "thanks but no thanks"..sure it might change society a bit but so did outlawing slavery, mandating equal rights for people of different races, and a big change was even ALLOWING women to hold title to bank accounts, property etc... way back, hubby got the wife's inheritance and did as he pleased with it since women couldn't even have property in their own names....oh the good old days....

Except, Problem, the "good old days" were not always so "good."  Certainly not for African-Americans.  And to this day they come up short.  Much more effort and, yes, money is desperately needed to properly provide for their educational needs.  Anyone seen the unemployment numbers for black males recently?  They're outrageous!

ohhh i forgot to key the sarcasm font didn't i? to me the 'good old days' pretty much were only the good old days if you were white, male and of a certain economic status or better....women...people of different races than caucasian...people of different ancestry than western european...gay people...jews....people of different than christian main religions...the poor...pretty much everyone but the select were not to be trusted or counted and damned sure weren't to be accorded any rights...




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