I consider myself somewhat of a strange bird. I'm a Jew who feels that the land called Israel (previously called Palestine) has natives who have brown skin. In 1948 England gave Israel to the European Jews who suffered atrocities under the Nazi regime. That was a nice thing to do but what about the natives of the land? After WWII there was a rapid disappearance of French and British influence throughout the Arab world, as the rapid eclipse of the old imperial powers transformed the politics not only of Asia but of the Middle East and Africa as well. The mandated territories granted by the League of Nations after World War I were granted independence. These included Syria and Jordan in 1946 and Lebanon in 1943. The mandate in Palestine was liquidated, and a Jewish homeland -- promised after World War I but never granted -- was created in 1948: the State of Israel.
Israel has since been, in my opinion, a war mongering state and has been the cause of much unrest in the area. Since I find the bible to be a book filled with fables particularly the Old Testament, I don't recognize the "Biblical Right" to this land.
I feel that Israel has no right to this land as I see it as ethnic cleansing plain and simple. They should have the land however, they've now been there a long time so I support Obama's decision to set a fair border and recognize two states.
What's your feelings on the subject?