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Have you ever told a lie that REALLY saved your arse?

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Well, I don't know that it really saved my arse. But about a gazillion years ago, I somehow ended up with a "hickey" on my neck. I'm not spilling the details, but when the girl I was dating at the time saw it, I pretty much went all out, and blamed it on her. She apologized, and I've felt like a shit for the last 43 years.

Damn, I tell you guys stuff that I don't tell anybody else!!!!!!

Was the friend Don or Phil?  (Everly)



YES. . . . .it was a very scarey situation. When they tell you not to go too far north into the lovely state of VT. There's a reason. Like a dueling banjos kind of reason. And well it was a hellish night. Didn't sleep a wink. Calmly asserting the whole time that I was deeply in love with the asshole that brought there and didn't engage in "group activities". They liked me and I managed somehow to talk them into taking me home in one piece. After they found the land line they had deliberately hid in the trailer around 10am the following morning. Knowing damn well that my trusty cell phone wouldn't work in their area. Never, ever again will I not go with the gut feeling and tell myself that I'm being stuck up in thinking that I'm dealing with hard core white trash.

no,i'm not very good at it at all,i don't have the poker face needed for it.

Seriously, you'd develop one in a NY minute if you saw what these guys were like. I hate to say it but I didn't want to get beaten and so on so I pulled out my best game and got home untouched. YAY!

Errr............ No?

yes. with strangers.  

I also talked the 14yr old neighbor out of raping me when I was about 8 yrs old. I never told my mom because I was afraid that she would yell at me about it. Thanks DD, it would have been much nicer never to have gotten into a stupid situation like that in the first place but the reality is that they can come out of nowhere.

I was sitting in a quilting group once of about twenty women and I knew according to FBI statistics that at least 4 or 5 of us had been abused but of course the old taboos of these things we do not speak. Perhaps that's why the campaign to end domestic violence's slogan is Break the Silence. Tell the truth. Sit quietly and know it. I also think that once you have firmly established that someone is not only capable of harming you but getting away with it, you no longer owe them the truth. Especially if that's a way of escaping harm and protecting yourself. HUGS DD!

We are everywhere. Be wel Merry.


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