a just in case reminder for people who actually keep and store music on drives...

the bad news.....the other day a nice 3 tb seagate external drive i use decided to play hard to get. with the fact that it had over 2 tb of music on it i was a tad miffed. the good news is that with a data recovery program i am able to recover the files and the recovered files go into a new folder on a new 3tb mybook drive.

even better news, i was able to find the mybook on sale at officemax for a grand total of 173 and change for two of them. that is less than 30 bucks a tb...that sale is still on today


good news....drives are really cheap compared to what they used to be

bad news...drives are really cheap compared to what they used to be cause they are chinese crap made cheaply

the advice...always have dual backups cause you just know shit happens....

only 44 hours more to finish recovering the schtuff to the new hard drive....what fun!