I always needed to be in the drivers seat for my journey through life but I've noticed many people, like your cousin, who are apparently just along for the ride. Your cousin apparently thinks he has a ticket to ride...and he don't care. What's to recharge?
My cousin is one of the best people i know . he will do anything to help me and others . He just wants to live in the 50's . He despises the new tv's , internet Change . He was a good worker gives his check to his wife . He can get money when ever he needs to buy somthing . Always looking for ways to make a little money on the side . Just an all out great person . Since he retired he helps his wife with house work . Has a 1969 Ford Falcon restored . Goes to car shows . Wins lots of trophys . Last wek he won 3 oil changes at a cruise in . Very active although slowed down a little . Has trouble remembering things at times . Doesn't care much for news . waches old tv shows . Wish i could repay him for all he has done for me . Yesterday i changed my phone number . He didn't like that at all because he has to remember my new number . He don't lie persay he just don't say some things like getting a speeding ticket . Tells me thou . Best friend i ever had pleasure of meeting . His wife is high up working for rest home and makes big bucks . Full regestered Nurse . They both have a good life but she worked hard for it . Cousin worked a regular job like i did .
Sounds like a wonderful man and a wonderful friendship. Some people don't need a lot to be happy.
Good, bad or indifferent, it is what it is, life, right? I think there are highs and lows in each persons existence. If we are looking back, it might be the contrast that makes it all worthwhile, would we really know one from the other if they didn't exist. In other words would I know I had it good, if I had not had to struggle at some point? I don't think so, but who knows. So looking back over my life, I have no complaints. Would I changes some things, not sure. I sure would not skip the bad stuff. More than the good times, I think they shape us and how we cope with them can be more telling about the kind of person we are. But sometimes, as I look back and think about where and who I am now, I might want to tweak the results. Not sure I am making sense here. I am not unhappy with my life, but lately I have been feeling a little disappointed (for lack of a better term) with who I am and how things are turning out. And even saying that makes me cringe, because I have it so much better than so many folks I feel ashamed to complain. And I don't feel like I am actually complaining, just stating the facts. It is within my control to change things. I have the ability and where with all to take steps and put my feet down on new paths and change the course I am on, I just can't seem to figure out what path to take. Hell, sometimes I can't even see the different paths - they all look the same these days. Maybe I am looking for the motivation...something to force me out of this mediocre rut I seem to be stuck in...and change (purposeful and chosen) has always been a little scary to me. Not that I can't or won't do it, but at this age, it can even be scarier. Let's face it we have less time to recover from potential missteps and disasters. Okay, enough of the self analysis! I just felt like I wanted to explain a little more about my earlier post.
there are times when you feel like...
Someone once told me that when you have a period of Dis ease it's life trying to shake you up so you're almost forced to try something different, a new path. I hope you find something exciting T2.
When the right door is ready to open you'll want to jump through it and wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
Best wishes.
Good luck with that, Karin. Three women I know had hip replacements, and they are happy campers now.
T2, it's so easy to get in a rut. But, only we ourselves can get ourselves out of it. Instead of thinking you can't recoup a mistake now, think what the heck does it matter at this age? The only mistake I would not make now is one that involves money. But anything else--Ready! Fire! Clean up the mess!
Agreed Crest. I think it is the financial consequences is that holding me back, but that might just be an excuse as well. I am sure I could survive and thrive and I have family that would be very supportive if I got into any kind of jam, financial or otherwise. Ruts suck, but you are also correct we are the ones that can get ourselves out of them. And really and truly, I have nothing to complain about....I just need to kick myself in the ass and get on with it! LOL
Karin, that is great news. And the time will fly by. I am sure all will go well and soon enough you will be pain free again. Or at least the Hip won't hurt any more. Congrats on the date and good luck with the surgery. We'll be cheering for you.
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