TBD on Ning

The other night I asked my husband what he thought our purpose on earth was.  He said to work and raise a family, yada yada yada. 

Doesn't sound like much of a purpose to me.  We'll raise a family and they will grow up asking " What's our purpose.?"  And not everyone raises a family.  I don't think my daughter wants to get married and have kids and she is 35.

I really can't come up with anything except for very idealistic things--not even them now.

Anybody have any idea what our purpose is? Help me...not that it has me down because I will continue to live.  I'm thinking my purpose is to suck the marrow out of the bone of life, but then what?  What do I do with it?

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Chief, if you , specifically, have a purpose and you'd care to share, I would love to hear what it is.  I know I have jobs I have to do, I have to give emotional support to people around me, but is that my PURPOSE?  Oh,this  teenage angst!

So our purpose is to work, as my husband said, and take care of each other.  But all that seems like a struggle, not a purpose.  When I look at salmon, for example, their purpose is to make more salmon.  It seems like a rat race, in a sense.  We scramble to do more of what we already do.

Just so you know, I just put myself into therapy for a spruce up, and my mind is racing with questions.

zoooooo haf you had zese feelings for long? how does zis make you feel?

Problem, I'm going to this guy:

LOLOLOLOL straighten up there you nambypamby shoulders back...chest out...wtf you got in those pockets soldier? oh wait you don't have pockets....

I really don't we all have a purpose. We do thing because that is the way things have always been, out of love, hate, greed and many other things. Like Callie said I think it is just a crap shoot.

When I think about the miracle of being chosen for life our purpose is to live it and experience things in the way that is unique to you. You are the only one who has the exact experience of living your life. To see what happens and enjoy or not in a unique way.

our purpose ??? thats an easy one .. as bill and ted said .. be excellent to each other .. 

of course sometimes we fall far short of our goals .. but we should keep on tryin .. keep on keepin on.. 

It is just an self-imposed assumption on the part of humans that they have a purpose, that is beyond anything else in the universe. Even Earth Worms reproduce. Moss lives and reproduces. As Bill Bryson says in A Brief History of Just About Everything or something like that, "Life just wants to be, and doesn't appear to want to be much." DNA needs living things to replicate itself so our purpose may not be OUR purpose. One may ask what is the purpose of domestic cattle. They have a purpose from the human point of view, but it may be one that the cattle themselves don't want to know about.

I think we humans, at least this human, are just as clueless and aimless regardless of how orderly we have planned our lives.  So what?  In the scheme of things, it mean little, and yet we get up and do it again tomorrow, just like the earthworm--just like the moss, lol.




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