TBD on Ning

If you ever go to fall in the bathroom DO NOT grab the towel rack!!!  I did and it went crashing down with me and not only did I hit my head on the toilet tank, the bar hit me in the head as well. I split  my head open, have a huge bruise on my rear and am sore as hell.  I now have a big hole in the wall from the bracket pulling out....What a night....

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It's a good thing you didn't break a hip.  It's all down hill from there.  Thanks for the advise, D!

Try draging a bag across a comode lid .....

I certanally know how you feel . I have the disability to prove it ...

Thanks ya'll. I'll be ok.  I don't think I'm going to put the rack back up.  It's just instinct to grab at something.  I'll get the wall fixed and be done with it.

Glad you are okay. I fell in the bathroom a few months ago. At least I didn't grap the towel rack, I grabbed the shower curtain. A much larger mess I think.
Can you put padded floors in a bathroom?

Wayne..you lost me on that one for sure.

Well it was hanging in the water and i had ta drag them over the ledge to get on floor ....

D...when you fix the hole...reinforce the replacement "towel bar" with a grab bar...then are meant to be used to grabbing onto when you slip and fall or get dizzy or knock into something.
And while you are at it install grab bars in your shower/tub...maybe a shower bench.
It's at lot cheaper then a broken hip...money well spent for those of us of a certain age.
I know because I've done all of those things because I've had some mobility issues since the paralysis years ago.
Check with Lowe's or Home Depot...they have all the stuff and gives lessons on how to install and reinforce the bars and repair the dry wall..or you can hire somebody to do...and not too too expensive.

I was going to say the same thing B.  Definately worth the investment.  I recently stayed in an accessible room at a hotel and loved the grab bars and safety bars that were installed in the shower.  There may be a local agency that provides the service for elders, check with your local commission on Aging or perhaps your accessibility board.  They can help with the proper placement and installation because Blithe is right, they need to be reinforced.  

I am really glad you weren't hurt too badly.  Living alone, it is one of my fears, falling in the bath/shower and not being able to get up....actually it is one of my nightmares! 

After my husband's stroke the re-hab people inspected our bathrooms and recommended more grab bars (we had one) and one of the things he stressed was not to grab a towel bar. My husband's son installed the grab bars for us so we're good now. I hope you got stitches for your head dwalt and you feel better soon.

Thank ya''ll for the info.  Geez it is heck to get old.

Some things you can't help...and this might have happened anyway....but we just don't recover from these kinds of accidents as well as we used to.
We have to be more proactive..suck it up and get some grab bars...missy!
You obviously have a hard head which can be a good thing under the circumstances...right? Protect the rest of you.




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