TBD on Ning

Many countries have been proposed to be the 51st state of the United States, however there is one that is a little more odd than the rest.

In 2012, the Republican Presidential Candidate New Gingrich was known for his outspoken opinions on otherwise controversial topics. However, he did say a rather interesting statement in 2012.

If Gingrich were to have become President, he had a vision of an ambitious new space program and would have wanted a permanent base on the moon by the end of his second term of office. "I am sick of being told we have to be timid and I'm sick of being told we have to be limited to technologies that are 50 years old," Gingrich said.

Newt Gingrich said that if we ever get 13,000 Americans living on the moon, they can petition to have the moon become an American state. The reason he said this was because he was trying to show his support for the American colonization of an Earth satellite.

Unfortunately, we no longer have any means of even getting U.S. astronauts into space at this time unless we hitch a ride from another country.

What are your thoughts?

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i think abandonin the space program was a bad idea too .. but because we have so many wars to fight and bills to pay for the other stupid wars we fought it was one or the other . and war makes a lot more money right away for a select few .. but the things that the space program invented took years to be assimilated into our everyday lives .. if somebody would have told you that you'd have a personal computer and you'd use it everyday back in 1975 you'd say no way .. and a cell phone ?? same deal .. it took years for a lot of the advancements we got from the space program to make it to the general public .. but now that they're here what has had the most benefit to our everyday lives ?? the war in vietnam or the personal computer ?? 

We're it not for the wars of the Bush administration we would probably have a permanent base on the moon by now.

Gotta include Obama in that , it was placed in his hands . But i will agree to that . Moon Base , wow ...




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