Still hasn't been resolved for me yet....can't send any messages....
ok lets see if we can narrow this down to anything in particular .. what kind of computer do you guys have ?? mac or pc ?? whats the operation system ?? windows 7 , 8, xp , vista, ?? or what would a mac be ?? i'm not sure so if you have one fill me in .. and last but not least ..whats your browser ?? firefox , internet explorer ?? or chrome or safari ?? i use chrome and after tryin the other three i think its the most reliable and fastest .. of course that can change but for now it works for me .. lets see if there's some kinda common element in this problem ..
I am on a Dell (work computer) and on a mainframe. Internet explorer is what we use. They do put firewalls up to sites at random bbut I would think they would block the whole site.
so that would be windows then dwalt ?? and does this happen at home too on your personal computer ?? who's your it guy there ?? could you ask him if they threw a block up for messages goin in and out to certain sites ??
ACK,If I only had a brain, I'd be able to tell you why I switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox but it must have been some sort of issue with something not working. Maybe it was an inability to upload photos to a blog. Yeah, that's what it was.
try chrome merry .. i think it works better than ie and firefox ..
I don't want to call attention to being on here.Yes windows,believe it or not xp. I have a new one here with windows 7, just need to transfer my stuff off this one.
Last week i was having problems getting responses . This week i reset my settings and no problem now . I use Firefox 23 (just updated) Have used chrome but like Firefox best No problems . IE 10 No No No for me . I'm using Windows 8 ...
i'm still usin windows 7 but i'm thinkin about 8 .. how do you like it so far wayne ?? would you recommend it or do you think its really no better than 7 ?? gimme a pro and con if you can ..
Windows 8 doesn't have the Start button like the others but you can add a free one . Later this month theirs gonna be an update that add it back and other improvements . Other than the pretty look i don't see much difference . I do like it . Took me around 30 minutes to learn my way around the system . One thing you do have to do is you log in with a password and has to be with a Microsoft account (E-Mail) . I logged in with my G-mail account and took me days to learn how to change it . Things won't work without Hotmail , accounts . If you have windows 7 , stick with it unless you going to upgrade or buy a new system ...I had bought a new computer and it had a free upgrade to windows 8 for $14.95 and free Media edition . I would say if it ain't broke keep 7 ... Only Con would be the log in part ...Once you get logged in to your browser every thing looks the same to me ...
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