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Have you ever set up or had a Blind Date ?

How did it turn out ?

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Never set one up.  Went on one in High School and never attempted to repeat the experience, lol!

It was terrible!

She kept walking into things and the tap, tap, tapping of her cane drove me nuts.

That's weird, I must have gone out with her blind brother....

Never again. What were they thinking?

I met BOTH husbands blindly.  In my case, blind dates turned into relationships.

I met my wife on a blind date and we were married 30 years before she died.

In all honesty, the fellow I'm with now was a "set up"  I agreed thru a friend to met him at a restaurant.  It went well and things went from there.

I agreed to go out with my friend's (from church) brother.  She had a crush on his friend, and he said his friend would go out with her if she'd set him up with me. (I guess he had seen me when he'd picked her up after choir practice.)  I agreed, but had my reservations.  When I was talking to her on the phone, she was babbling about how much fun we were going to have.  She said her brother planned to run out of gas somewhere quiet where we could make out.  I thought about it for an hour or so, and called her back and cancelled.  She was po'd, but I felt a lot better.  I never agreed to a blind date again.   

I never set one up and probably never would because my friends are diverse enough that I know it wouldnt be good for anyone.

I have been on several...sort of. I was on a couple dating sites a few years ago and though I talk to the "future dates" quite a bit online and phone, its still that first meeting that is like a blind date. MOST of those were fine and I enjoyed the dates we had

but nothing serious came out of any of them. ONE guy, I was simply bored to death with him and although he was actually GORGEOUS, he didnt smile much. TUrns out he was in extreme neck pain and I was really loooking forward to maybe dancing with him, as he said he LIKED to dance.

The one TRUE blind date I was on was when I was 16 and that was crazy...I wasn't TOLD he was 3-4 inches shorter than me (i am only 5'6") and I wore clogs and of all things, they all wanted to walk around the mall and go to an under 21 club to dance (it was a double date) UGH!! Yeah, I was glad I was only set up with him because I was visiting an outta state friend!! What a night!!

Haha, Callie...that is your CLASSIC bad first and last date...LOL!!

My X wanted 5 dollars to feel her breast . I only gave her $2.50 one time , one was enough ...




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