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What is your favorite Candy Bar ggrowing up and now ?

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Growing up I liked black cow , bit o honey , mary jane's , zero and mallow cups . Today if I decided to want one it would be dark chocolate mounds , milky ways and mallow cups . I haven't haad any candy in a long time , mainly because o my diabetes .....

I love anything dark chocolate. Mounds are really good. When I was young, I liked a bar called "Seven-Up". It was a combination of 7 of the kinds of chocolates you get in a box of chocolates......one vanilla cream, one chocolate cream, one maple cream, one caramel, one strawberry cream, one orange jelly, and in the very center....a Brazil nut.......all covered in dark chocolate! I miss those; it was like getting a small box of assorted chocolates.....only better, since most boxed chocolates are milk chocolate....which I'm not fond of.

Karen around hear Brazil nuts (pardon the language)were called nigger toes , chocolate. Drops were called nigger tits . Hate using that word .

I loved Snickers and still would if I could eat them but sadly I have to lay off sweets. I haven 't had one in years.

Not a sweet eater..well pecan pie I LOVE!!

Back when i was around 5 years old . When we went to town . There was a drug store with a real soda fountain . They had big candy hurshey bars for 3 cents each . I bought all they had . Ended up being full of worms . Took them back . Got my money back ...

One Payday, Mr Goodbar, wanted a Bit-O-honey. So he took his Ms. Hersheys down to the Powerhouse at 5th Avenue and Clark. Where he there began to feel her Mounds and that was an Almond Joy which definetly made his Tootsie Roll. He let out a Snicker when he slipped his Butterfinger up her Kit Kat. She screamed "Oh Henry" while she grabbed his Peter Paul and Zagnuts and said "you're better than the 3 Musketeers."




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