So Kahleb Sheik Mohammed (God I hope its ok to say the 'M' word...) and his buddies are being tried in NYC for their alleged roles in 9/11. This places a great burden on small businesses in NYC, since areas will be closed for security reasons, shops will be inaccessable. Furthermore, it gives these enemy combatants constitutional rights...which some people have problems with, I dont really understand why, but anyhow. Furthermore, it gives them a world stage to voice their 'difficulties' with us Americans, something many thing goes way to far when it comes to catering to enemy combatants.
On the otherhand, trying these folks in Federal court will show the world that at least part of our justice system is humane (even though failure is not an option, etc, etc.) What are your feelings about this? Do you give a damn? And hell, if there going to tie up the traffic in NYC, cant they at least televise these proceedings? They're going to cost us taxpayers a fortune anyway....?
Tags: 9/11, Osama, WTC, hearings, trial
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