TBD on Ning

Or---do more men eat the breasts parts then legs parts when it comes to eating a chicken?? Or do gals enjoy a good chicken breast better then a chicken thigh?

Yeah--we are talking eating chickens here--What did u think I meant when I said tasting the breasts?

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You know I believe I heard what I thought you said, but is what I heard what you really meant?

And in case I (or you) am confused, my answer is breasts.
Yeah..cause I coming in with a "EWWWW" .As far as chicken goes though, it seems that ladies like the white meat just a bit more and guys are all about the leg and thighs(dark meat)...it could get to racial/sex profiling so I will stop there.
Have drunk you are Kevin?LOL.
Funny it is.
Well look at that . Wendy and Quinn just shot that down. I need to have a BBQ with these ladies. LOL!!
I will skip the chicken tonight---but I will not eat any dark meat----(sigh)
Make it charcol grill with hicory wood chip---and I am at your house! Oh by the way---I just gotta say--I just love the breasts!! so Juicy and plump!! :)
I'm a Boob Man, or I mean Breast Man
I'm a leg kinda guy.
I think the men like breasts better. That's the part my husband asks for..... and I'm pretty sure he's talking about dinner.... ;-)

I like the wings myself.
Hmmm--HUSBAND asking for breasts, and she think he is talking chicken. Am I the only one with suspicion about this scenerio??
Breasteses please.




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