TBD on Ning

It's Friday.

Chucks is gone and so is his Q&A Group. As JayLee feared so are the Vibes. Since there is no Question and answer group there appears to be no check in.


So Let's do it over here. It's the start of the weekend! Time to have fun.


There is all kinds of bad news.

1. Looks like tbd is splintering.

2. After two days the TBD Stalwarts has only 7 members.

3. The Stock Market tanked yesterday.

4. The end of the world is near.

5. The Zombies are still here


Everybody check in and give me some good news.


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Hey, I'm here too. Why is Quinn getting all the attention? Well, I do admit that she is a pretty good whiner. She's also pretty. That means I'm at a disadvantage in the getting attention dept. right away.
I'm now a virgin. I used to be a Scorpio. Somehow I don't quite grasp the concept of, after 70+ years of being a Scorpio, regaining my virginity.

I dunno, Robbie, might be fun. '-)



Since my "past" has been a farce,  all my horoscopes have been for others, I'm willing to start over...Can we be 're-virginized'?
They make a pill for that.
It's made a few plastic surgeons very rich.

I am here, 

ZENYATTA is Horse of the Year !!

I am working on her 6th portrait.

F-ing -A ! A mare wins Horse of the Year.

She should have also  won last year.

Rock and Roll ZENYATTA !!


as moderator in faith of one of the more popular groups with membership also being in the top ten.

I find it disturbing that WTP keeps getting booted off the marquis.

My explanation of the loss of members would be the moderators.

I think the moderators have a bent perception on the purpose of TBD as they twist it to they're agenda.

People as a whole usually resist such manipulation and do so by electing to leave.

Me, I don't really care what they do, They want to drive people off that's they're business.

My other groups aren't doing all that bad because I allow the members the freedom and liberty they ask for.

I think the moderators are intolerant, and not conducive to free thinking. evidence exists that this is truth.

failure is always managements fault, and it's lack of initiative to correct the problem will only result in the further decline. The fate of 




will be entirely determined by it's leadership and apparently it's moderators perception of they're task.


I am no great thinker, orator, or judge. All my life I've had issues with authority figures....I love to question them just to see if they really deserve to be in that position....not that I'm any smarter, but it can be obvious rather quickly just how much common sense they have.

Frankly, the idea that a free, open social network, where no one knows if the person behind the post is real or not, requires a modorater is rediculous. If someone says something you don't like, whatcha gonna do...hunt him down and kill him? That would be next to impossible. Anyone can say anything on here, on MA, FB, Twitter, or anywhere else on the internet without fear of death, blood loss, or imprisonment. Some have said because they created the site or thread, they own it and can regulate it.......that's plain bullshit. So, if you don't follow their rules, you get booted, BFD!

Moderators, creators and the like  wield way too much power. I say if it's a free, open network....let free speech  live.......let the chips fall where they may.

probably both, it's unlikely that people in general can refrain from it.

everyone has an agenda, how they display it is the question.

however, MA personally invited me, and TBD seems to shun me.

except for my favorite Kat of course...

just a perception I guess,  maybe not exactly a good choice of words.

Wasn't expecting anything from Robin or the moderators.

I did get a chuckle though when I seen that WTP was at least at one point hands down the most popular and posted on group here. It was a nice feeling. and to some degree it still comprises much of the traffic here.

However I didn't quite stay with it to keep it there.

I'd like to see the analytics of the site, I'd bet WTP is more of the traffic than the moderators would care to admit.






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