TBD on Ning

What would you like to talk about? Sex, The President, the economy, Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever,  tics, taxes, forclosures, photo voltaic cell technology? There are several thousand of you signed up here, and,well wouldnt y'all sometimes like to have a discussion, outside of 'playing geography', or other word games?

Why are you here? What are you looking for, as a member of this group? No opinion to great, too small.

I'm here because I liked having  discussions with people on topics ranging from serious to absurd. I guess that includes hoping to find friends and chatting with interesting individuals who can open my mind to new points of view.

Or is the join button something you happened to click when the boss was coming by, gettin ready to catch you playing pacman?

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Anything that requires a judge is not a sport.
Yes, it is, Maricel, I'll make an exception for figure skating. :-)
1) Fine food

2) Fine Wine

3) Mature Women
I am interested in the spot of blind chaos that prevents people with opposing viewpoints from actually grasping each others concepts. That moment where even the most calm, rational idea plows into a brick wall and dies in a heap, never to be given a ghost of a chance.

At least, at this moment. There's a lotta other shit that intrigues me, but that's a big one right now.
I am interested in the spot of blind chaos that prevents people with opposing viewpoints from actually grasping each others concepts.

spot of blind chaos depends on a person's tolerance threshold for cognitive dissonance.

It is not something nurtured in our culture. American approach- "It's my way or the high way."
Which is why some people are convinced that I'm a terrible American. Oh, Well....
Snagg, you are a MODEL American.
Would you mind telling that to a few folks over in "We The People"?

It's an interesting place. That is, if you have a taste for being on the receiving end of jeering, redneck rhetoric.
Just HOW mature, Dougie?
Me. /;->
Oh Jackie...I'm still waiting to join your group!!!!!!

Jackie, I think you should start a new "group": Esoteric Interests so we can have different threads in the areas that interest us-- UFOs....Metaphysics....Religion.....Golf....Women Watching (lol) etc I love Peanuts cartoons....so Snoopy would be an interesting thread

I am interested also in how music can affect our lives.....classical, contemporary,....and yeah even rap. I know many of you will cringe to even label rap as music, but I really like some rap.

Another interest....midlife crisis-- How are you/haveyou handled the transition.




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