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Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment. I read it as a kid, then picked it up again on this trip. (This time son was reading it.) Absolutely rivetting. 

I just finished Infidel (what a brave woman!) and was ready to start on Satanic Verses (S. Rushdie) before I was diverted. Next I just MUST re-read The Brothers Karamazov. Theres a reason this stuff is classical.

What about you? What's in your reading pile?

Tags: books, education, entertainment, reading

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It's still reading.  It's also research.  I think it should count for either one or both of those!

I got an iPad recently and it comes with a reader.

My Library has free eBooks, so I decided to try it out. I'm reading Anatomy of a Ghost. The book is good, the reader...not so much. I don't think I'll be doing the electronic thing for books again.

Should have gone with a Kindle.

Same premise Rob...

I like the feel of a book. I like being able to see how much of the book I have left to read. I like being able to flip back chapters to find something I missed. A book is warm, an eReader is not...

BAF, Very Interesting. I had not considered the environmental impact.

All that being said, Each person has a reason for the choice they make.

I'll start out with a disclaimer. I do not own an e-reader other than my laptop computer.

Since I live in a very small space. 256 sq ft. or1,600 cu ft.  Volume also enters into the picture. Books that I read for pleasure are usually obtained out of library/swap boxes at RV Parks. Reference books are a different matter. This where the Kindle becomes very attractive. You can download and carry a ton of books in something that weighs about 2 lbs and takes up about 1 sq. ft. of space. 

My son is a UAV pilot recently assigned to Afghanistan. He has to study constantly to stay on top of what knowledge is required to be a UAV pilot in the Military. I visited him just prior to his deployment. He had a two day pass so we rented a motel room and spent the 4th of July Weekend there. On Sat. we went to Target and he bought a kindle.

By Monday he had found and downloaded most of the unclassified technical and instructional manuals he needs. I talked to him over Skype last week and he said the Kindle was working great.

So, I guess which is best depends upon your requirements. Having done some research, it seems to me that for reading, the Kindle is the best of the e-readers. When reading for enjoyment, Quinn has same valid points. I too love a good book, but think I might be able to adapt to a Kindle.  

Fifty-nine in '84. The story of Old Hoss Radbourn and the year he won 59 games for the Providence Grays of the National League.
I love the last book I finished- Discovery of Witches, by Deborah Harkness. I am ever thankful to DZDG for suggesting the read. I can't wait until until she comes out with the next installation in her trilogy.

I'm currently reading "Who We Were, What We Did...Fresh Perspectives on Grand Traverse History", by Richard Fidler.  This a book of vignettes about local history, the second of three to be published.  The author has a unique presentation....he was a career chemistry teacher, that's not the usual background for the author of a book of this nature.


On a somewhat related topic, I ventured into our local Borders to see what was left.  Well, things were quite picked over, but for 50% off, I bought a hardbound Merriam-Webster Dictionary, and paperback thesaurus, German, Spanish and Portuguese dictionaries, and book of Yiddish phrases.  The whole bunch was $51.40, including tax.  Uh, now I'm thinking, these may have been impulse buys. 

Could you start a new thread and teach us the Yiddish phrases??
Halavay I could learn enough to do that.  ;-)
Is that one of them?
I can do a fiction and a non-fiction at the same time, but not two fiction...




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