TBD on Ning

...and to anybody else that wants to jump in:


I welcome your entries. I'll see what I can do about answering your questions. Remember to mind yer damn manners. If all works out, you'll be live and on the air.

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Could you play a song by the Jonas Brothers for me?
Only if they do a cover version, and I get to pick the song.

"They Called It Rock", by Nick Lowe sounds about right...
1. What A Styoopid Question.

2. The Song or the Question ?

3. What is this, a race ?

4. A certain notoriety may result. Check with KB.
Better move fast. That dog of his looks hungry...
What nose ?
How often should I clip my toenails? Would it be beneficial to clip them in any special order? Do all the other guys think MellyMel is hot too? Was Ubu kidding about the Jonas Brothers?
1. Whenever your wife starts making remarks about "Sleeping with a bundle of razor wire" should give you a hint..

2. The "This Little Piggy Went To Market" sequence always gets me big laughs on the bus, so that's about the only suggestion I have to offer.

3. Who says it's limited to guys ?

4. He's just brown-nosing.
I prefer to call it taupe-nosing. It sounds more pretentious.
are you going to be the judge of stupid questions? need to know your IQ first ;-)
1. Putting me in charge of judging stupid questions bears a strong similarity to putting Paula Abdul in charge of judging talent on "American Idol".
Lucky fucking Tootsie Pop.
They have their own heaven. Lucky human get to go there.




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